comfortable as possible. Here, old Brother (Richard) Pickering was struck with death. Administered to him and he recovered. At the time he got up his wife was stricken. It required faith and work to save her."22
Unlike some of the others passengers, however, Ezra James would not recover. The train that slowly made its way from Albany to points west from 4:30-6 p.m. that hot and sultry evening had a returning missionary who was in his final hours in mortality. When the train pulled into the station in the village of Fonda, about 40 miles west of Albany, just about 6 p.m., Ezra James' was completing the last minutes of his earthly mission ..
The most detailed account of those final minutes was recorded by Elder Jacobs in his journal. He wrote: "About 5 of the people began to get worse. 6 p.m. Brother James Caldwell, aged 70 years (from Liverpool) expired with sunstroke. It seemed as though the powers of death had got a footing and reigned supreme. Many are ill and have been since we arrived at Albany. About 8 p.m. Brother Ezra J. Clark expired. I sat and held his head and arms about 20 or 30 minutes. His flesh felt as though hot lead was coursing through his veins ready to burst through the skin. Crossing the sea he was not very well, seasick considerable. In fact, all the way he being the first counselor to Brother Perry, felt in duty bound to be doing, being of a kind- hearted disposition, also very sympathetic. He seemed to enter into the ills of those who surrounded him. At New York owing to anxiety to have all things going right, he over exerted himself, consequently became an easy prey to the heat at Albany. As we got into the station he called me one side and told me he felt so singular. I told him to get into the cars and take care of himself as he looked too ill to be moving around. At the same time got him some cooling drink and a piece of ice to place on his head and a chair to sit on. I told him I would see that Brother Parry had all the assistance he needed and the folks taken care of. (While at the same time my limbs were trembling under me but he was worse than I was by far.'23
22 Reminiscences and Diary of Zebulon Jacobs, page 122
23 Reminiscences and Diary of Zebulon Jacobs, pages 122-123