His university education was interrupted in 1916 by a mission call to the New Zealand Mission. After several weeks in Auckland, he was sent with a group of missionaries to open up mission work on the South Island. At the time the missionaries in New Zealand had more success with the native Maoris than they did with people of European stock. As the Church was no better though of in New Zealand than in other parts of the world, converts among those of European origin were not common. Finishing his mission in 1917 he came home the long way around on a tramp steamer across the Pacific, through the Panama Canal, and up the east coast of the United States to Newport News, Virginia and then overland to Utah visiting Church sites on the way home. He got back to Farmington just in time to help with the hay harvest.
Anxious to resume his studies he borrowed $300.00 from Uncle Amasa and returned to the university traveling down from Farmington every day on the Bamberger and except in his senior year working on the farm before and after school. Majoring in physiotherapy and kinesiology, he was unable to stay away from athletics.
Graduating from the University in 1920, he accepted a position at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah as athletic coach and chairman of the Physical and Health Education Department. Ephraim was crucial in the life of Rulon W. Clark. He discovered that he was an excellent coach and coached successful teams in such diverse sports as volleyball, tennis, boxing, wrestling and track. He persuaded the school to field a team in football and coached his junior college basketball team to a state championship his second year at the college.
Fully accepted by the kind people of Ephraim, he immersed himself in the religious and social activities of the community. While in Ephraim he met a very competent and lovely young lady, the manager of a local store, by the name of Clara Caroline Gleave. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 17, 1921/ After teaching in Ephraim four years, a position as a coach and teacher opened up at the LDS College, the old LDS highschool now a junior college as well as a highschool. Offered the position he accepted and moved his wife and young family to Salt Lake City, Utah. He taught there a year and a half. Having moved up financially about as far as a teacher could go he reluctantly accepted a job as claims adjuster for the Oregon Short Line at a substantially higher salary at midterm. he writes that he did not "realize just what I was getting into, " as he was forced to be away from home most of the time on the road. For the next seven years he traveled over Utah, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho to settled claims of farmer, ranchers and others who had claimed to have suffered financial loss through accidents with trains. He had to investigate every claim, visit the claimants and their neighbors, talk to local people, sketch out the events of each accident, and then recommend whether the railroad would settle or