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page 18

Laura Clark Cook

Bemberger train. I stayed all night with his sister who lived in Salt Lake. Then we went to the Temple at 8 o'clock in the morning. We had to be at the temple at 8, and there was a deep snow on the ground. My sister Annie was there to see me married. My mother and father were gone then.

After my mother died my sister Alice Clark Steed, Walter Steed's wife, came down to my mother's house and lived there with me. After my mother's funeral they lived there with me until March. Alice had three little children then. We were happy there with her, she was nice. My sister Sarah lived in Farmington; she was married. Annie lived in Farmington. The club had a surprise party for me in my mother's house, and Alice was with me. Alice had to go back to the farm in March. We sisters got together and divided up my mother's things, and my brothers too-all of us. They decided I was to take my bedroom furniture and move over to my brother Eugene's home. My brother Eugene's home was built in the same lot as my mother's, but there was no fence in between. I lived over there with my brother and "Sadie". "Sadie" was a lovely person, she was Eugene's wife. They had two babies born while I was there, one was born before my mother passed away. Eugene was wonderful to me, and Sadie was too. She would put up a lunch for me to go to Lagoon, and other fellows that came. mark was on a mission, and there were young men that I went out with while he was gone: John Call from Bountiful and different one I can't recall the names now. In Farmington my brothers took me to dances at first, and they taught me how to dance. My! I went to all the dances in Farmington. Will Parker used to come down, and I went out with him some.

Keith What was the reception like after you were married?

Laura Eugene and Sadie gave me a beautiful wedding reception. I helped to make cakes. They served a big dinner to the people in those days, when they came to a wedding. Eugene had a nice home and nice parlor. I stood by a big window with a sort of beautiful canopy over me. There were beautiful fine lace curtains up to this window. My brother Horace was on a mission at this time; he was in California, and he mailed me a long box with beautiful long stemmed roses and Calililies from San Francisco and northern part of California. I had a beautiful wedding. I had this beautiful champagn colored