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It is fast day. I fasted, but there was no meeting. Many of the brethren are over in Malad in court charges with conspiracy. They have been taken by those who are seeking money.

April 4th. They have compromised, and each man pays $25 and is free. Wove six yards of carpet--Sth, wove six and a half yards. 

April 14th. I washed, went to Y.S. Meeting and then ironed in the evening. Today we found grandma's globe broken --supposed to be done by Wallace, but we do not know. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I wove on grandma's carpet. Took the piece out about noon. At night I went out to Uncle Levy's and went with them to Malad City on Saturday the 19th. Baby was a little fretful, not being very well, but was all right when riding.

April 30th. Went down to Aunty Lizzie's, sewed for her Thursday and Friday. Mad Hannahs switch on Saturday. 

I am preparing to go home May 26th. I washed and ironed and fixed my dress, and got ready to start early in the morning 27th. We were up by daylight and started at 5:40 o'clock. We had a pleasant ride part of the day until the wind began to blow the dust some, but we reached Collinston in time for the train. Uncle Ben brought a load of produce of which he disposed and he came to the platform to see us off. We boarded the train and reached Farmington at 6:30 o'clock in the evening--finding all well.

May 31st. Charley and Emma came down to go to Y.M. 's conference in Salt Lake.

June 1st. Mother, Benjamin, Maryett, and a Miss Porter came so I had a visit with them. I went to the city with them Sunday morning, came up Monday. The folks stayed all night.

June 16th. Charley came down, went through to Salt Lake to see about mill building uhich he is thinking about entering into. He came up on the night train so I enjoyed a short visit with him.

June 13th. We had a chance to go down to the lake. Joseph Clark and wife with a gentleman and lady form the north went just for pleasure. We obtained the use of a small boat called the Sea Gull and went out on the lake for a short time. It was quite pleasant. We returned via the meadows so we had quite a ride. Arrived home about sundown.


February. I went home on a visit with father and mother. I had only been there a few days when Wallace was taken sick with the scarlet-tena, and he got very sick. We sent for Sister Brough. She worked with his throat, and got it better, and I cam home with him on the train from Peterson station. Mr. Parish, a gentleman boarder at our house took me to that station.

I live in the large west room by myself. In the spring I milk two cows and sell some butter.