roomed together in Salt Lake City. We rented a room in a log cabin on the corner of North Temple and second West. We boarded ourselves, going home on Friday nights and taking a supply of food with us on Monda morning. Later, Newell Taylor of Harrisville joined us. We did some chores for the widow lady to pay our rent. Having access to her barn, we kept a cow and sold some milk. Thus our living expenses were not very high.
In school, arithmetic was my favorite study. I appreciated the opportunity of attending the University. Not many had such an opportunity. The University was then housed in the large adobe building, privately owned by George A. Smith. One of his families lived in a part of the house at the time, so you see that the school was small. This building was located on First North and Second West, just east of the present West High School. It was later used as a knitting factory.
I presume I was a pretty good student, as I generally stood high in examinations. This also from the fact that I was recommended to be the valedictorian. Being bashful, I declined and the honor went to Jesse N. Smith.
I taught school three years in Davis County. One was at Centerville at $35.00 per month. Then I taught two years in Farmington, one year in the old building now used as the Bamberger Railroad Station, and the other in the adobe school house on Second North and First East, later used as a Relief Society Hall. Augusta Winters, later Augusta Winters Grant, wife of President Heber J. Grant, taught the younger pupils in the Rock School House, which adjoined the Old Adobe room, where I once went to school. Jacob Miller, and many others taught school there.