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However, I attended nearly all of the dances. I attended a number of dances in the old Courthouse which was then in the street, and later moved to its present site. For these dances Uncle James Stevenson played the violin and most of the calling was done by Charles Turner and M. C. Udy. The church placed a ban on waltzing, allowing only two or three each evening. That suited me very well. Later, the dances were held in the Rock School House or in private homes. For one or two years the dances were held in the old Spackman home just south of Jacob Miller's home, then owned by Thomas Smith.

At one time the dances commenced in the afternoon and closed at ten P.M. This was not a popular time. I remember attending a dance at the Court House when the ladies took lunch, and they danced nearly all night. It was at one of the afternoon dances, that I received a hint to take as a partner, the young lady who later became my beloved wife – Wealthy. As I neared the dance hall I met Myron J. Richards, a brother to Wealthy. He was escorting two young ladies to the dance. He offered to share with me but that was too sudden for a bashful boy. However, by the next dance, I had found sufficient courage to ask Wealthy to accompany me. After asking her mother, the answer was, Yes, and then commenced a most profitable and happy courtship which ended in a most completely happy marriage.


During my early manhood, a number of us fellows organized a debating group in Farmington. We usually met in private homes, and much pleasure and profit resulted.

Because of being needed at home during my youth, I had little opportunity to attend school. And so my father, a little later, sent me to the University of Deseret, to become a teacher. I was recommended to be a teacher by County Superintendent Chester Call. L. J. Robinson and I