And now a few words regarding my ancestry:
My father, Ezra Thompson Clark, was born at Laurenceville, Deipage County, Illinois not far from Chicago. His father Timothy Baldwin Clark and mother Mary Keeler, or Polly as she was called, owned a farm in Deipage County. It was said of Timothy Baldwin Clark that he built the first frame house on Clark Street in Chicago. and that Clark Street was named for him. These two, Timothy and Mary, were the parents of a large family. They were Sally, Laura, Rhoda, David Keeler, Barret Bass, William Ogglesby, John Wesley, Home Baldwin, Ezra T., Mary Ann and Isaac.
My remembrance of what I have heard my parents say of Timothy Baldwin Clark is that he was kindhearted, generous and of a religious mind. He was a deacon in the Methodist Church and maintained a religious atmosphere in the home. He entertained the Mormon Elders, and the Prophet Joseph Smith was often in the home. He and his wife and a number of the children joined the church. He, as well as some of his sons, served in some of the Indian Wars. I believe David Keeler died from wounds and exposure thus incurred. I do not believe that either he or Barrett Bass ever received the gospel. Barrett maintained a home a few miles out from Chicago, and owned a store. I remember that he bought a lot of old fashioned shoes and other goods and brought them out to Utah to my father's home, thinking that the Mormons out here in the west would accept most anything. Barrett made one or more trips to Utah, But I don't think he ever was much inclined towards the Mormons. He was a tall, well built man of temperate habits. I remember also Uncle Homer Clark with his big Ha! Ha! laugh. He went to California during the gold excitement in the early 50's, as did also Uncle William O. The same was true of Uncle John Cooper, and Aunt Rhoda, who was a strong, straight woman of pleasant personality. They drifted away and joined the Re-Organized Church in California, as did many others