On July 24, 1901, Ezra T. Clark called his large family together to organize a family association. At the meeting he told his children and grandchildren, "I desire that a family organization be effected and made perpetual, that a meeting of my family and as many of my descendants as can possibly do so be held once a year for the purpose of maintaining the interest of the family, and for keeping a family register, and for mutual aid and encouragement." Persuant to his request, the Ezra T. Clark Family Association was formed. One of the largest and oldest family associations in existence today, it has continued to meet every year since his death. Although the descendants of Ezra T. Clark now number in the thousands and are scattered across the United States the family association still flourishes. The credit for this must be given to the presidents, family representatives, and members who have rendered such devoted and faithful service through the years.
Many presidents of the family association have established goals for their terms of office. Among my goals is the desire to see published a volume containing the life histories of the first three generations of Clarks to preserve the family history and the family heritage of the first three generations of Clarks who played important roles in the religious, social, economic, and political history of Utah and of the Rocky Mountain West. Such a history can not be put together without the support and continued interest of all members of the Clark family. We do need the life histories of all living members of the first three generations. Please send us autobiographies, life histories, and information as detailed as possible as well as photographs. A committee of Gladys Clark Farmer, Vera Christensen, Dennis Clark and Carol Clark Coombs has been organized to interview living members of the first three generations to secure their life histories. Please cooperate with them. We would also like to express our appreciation for the hard work .of the newsletter committee without whose labors this newsletter would not have reached you. They are: LaRue Bowen, Carolyn Price, Bernice Gundry, Jan Felix, DeeAnne Whetten and Ruth Knowlton.
In closing as president I eagerly wait to meet with you all on June 20th at the family reunion in Farmington City Park. Our faithful, hard-working program chairman, Morrell Clark has prepared a very fine and interesting program. It is a marvelous opportunity for us to come together to socialize with each other and to rejoice in our common ancestry and in our friendships with each other.
Clark S. Knowlton (S3-3-1)
1. EZRA THOMPSON CLARK'S ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS, compiled by Robert F. Gould is still available. The book contains the immigrant ancestors, native ancestors, and the gt. grandparents and parents of Ezra T. Clark and the children down to the fifth generation. Can be ordered from E.T.Clark Org. Inc. or obtain it at the reunion. Price: $15.00.
2. EZRA THOMPSON CLARK BIOGRAPHY, by Annie Clark Tanner (S2) Univ. of Utah Press. Available at most S-Lk bookstores or obtain at the reunion. Price $8.50 (Hardback)
3. A MORMON MOTHER,Annie Clark Tanner (S2). A brilliant autobiography of Annie Clark Tanner, Univ. of Utah Press. Available at most S-Lk bookstores or obtain at reunion. In paperback, $5.00.
4. ELDERS AND SISTER, Gladys Clark Farmer (M7-Al-L4)Seagull Books, 150 East 4200 North, Provo, Utah 84101 ($2.95 + .14 cents sales tax) This little book is a rare book about L.D.S. missionaries and their experiences -some discouraging- that face missionaries in any generation.
5. RAINS IN MEADOW VALLEY, Bryant Randall Clark(M7-A5), Exposition Press, 1979 $8.50; (a novel) it is the story of the year in a young man's life when he solves his problems and learns to face himself, the world, and his future.(Available Zion's Book Store and at the reunion.)
6. THAT YOU MIGHT KNOW HER BETTER, Bryant Randall Clark(M7-A5) is a biography of his Mother, Alice Randall Clark. (Orders for this book may be place by calling Dee Anne Whetten at 1-801-272-4308 or see her at the reunion.)