As I approach the end of my term as president of the Ezra T. Clark Family Organization, I want to express my appreciation for the devoted service of family representatives who have faithfully provided the newsletter committee with information about their respective families. To LaRue Bowen, I give special thanks for her dedication to the newsletter, her many hours of service and for her knowledge of family relationships. She is a living family historian.
I desire to acknowledge the splendid example set for me by past presidents of the association, and the many hours of service given by members of the newsletter, the historical and genealogical committees. The many members of our family association who have helped to organize our family reunions, who have prepared floral arrangements, and who have provided music and other forms of entertainment also deserve recognition and an expression of our appreciation. A special vote of thanks is given to 0. C. Tanner for the support that he has given to our family association. I also desire to express the appreciation of all the members of our family organization to Clifton Clark for the fruit table that has whetted the appetites of those in attendance at our family reunion for many years. And finally, I want to thank Norman Clark, my vice president and treasurer and our new president for his fine cooperation and many hours of hard work in handling our financial affairs.
My life and that of my family has been enriched beyond measure by our association with members of our family; a family whose boughs have run over the entire nation and world. I would like upon leaving the position of president to devote my energies to the securing of life histories of the first three generations of the Ezra T. Clark family and to the publication of a family history that will be an honor to the family and to the memory of our progenitor, Ezra T. Clark. He is indeed a patriarch of a noble family.
Clark S. Knowlton (S3-3-1)
As the time arrives for a change in the leadership of the Ezra T. Clark family Organization, I have mixed feelings about assuming the responsibility for shepherding the association through the next two years. I have concern for being able to come anywhere near to the high standards of the leaders who have preceded me. But I do look forward to the opportunity of becoming better acquainted with all of you.
I know of no one who could have been more concerned for the affairs of the association or more dedicated in his service to it than Clark Knowlton has been. He has truly left some awfully big boots to fill. As has his devoted wife, Ruth, who has performed such great service in the publication of the bulletin and doing so many other unheralded behind the scenes things.
I express to Clark and Ruth Knowlton the sincere appreciation of every member of the Ezra T. Clark Organization and my own special gratitude for the opportunity I have had to work with these great folks and the others who have done so much during the past two years. I pledge my best efforts and solicit your support and strength to accomplish good things during the next two years.
Norman W. Clark
President pro tern, 1982-1984