
Temple work receved its due attention and Father went often; he was a faithful Ward Teacher and took a leading part in Parent's Class in Sunday School.

More like his Father than any other of his 21 children, many people would say: Brother Ezra T. Clark will never be dead as long as his son Hyrum is alive. Of such men it has been said: "He was stronger than anything that could happen to him." Faithful always in holding his Family Prayers, he sought for daily guidance and protection. Two of his oft repeated sentences at prayer were: "Protect us from all evil both seen and unseen unto us. We acknowledge Thy hand in all things."

With kindest appreciations, I remain,

Sincerely, your relative and friend always,

(signed) Heber D. Clark

Image #1
Hyrum and Ann Eliza Clark growing family is shown in this early photo. Eight of their eventual 13 children are shown in this photograph. Between his two wives, HyD was the father of 18 children.

Hyrum and Ann Eliza Clark growing family is shown in this early photo. Eight of their eventual 13 children are shown in this photograph. Between his two wives, HyD was the father of 18 children.