Beyrout, Syria
April 30, 94
Dear Father;
Your very kind and much appreciated letter came duly to hand. I felt very much pleased that you were having an enjoyable time even enjoying the privilege of calling once more to repentance those of our relatives in California who have not accepted the Plan of life and salvation. It seems hard to say to see the wickedness of the world. have seen very much indeed since leaving home and it makes me feel sorry that so many are working their destruction and condemnation; but all I can do is to warn them and invite them to repent, which I do willingly and unselfishly for I know that my training and surroundings have been much more fortunate and blessed than theirs. The scenes in the world make the blessings of a Utah boy or girl stand out in bold relief and the gospel to appear, if it never did before, the richest of all the riches under heaven, which indeed it is. And the reference which you made to that promise, "Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added" seemed very strictly fulfilled in your own experience. Jesus said, "There is no man that hath left house, or brethren or sisters, or father or mother or wife or children, or lands for my sake and the gospel's. But he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time houses and brethren and sisters, and mothers and children and lands" etc. I am enjoying my missionary labors very much, am real busy at present studying the language. Elder E.W. Robinson of American Fork is my companion; we have a very interesting field to labor in although it will be somewhat more expensive than other fields in this mission; and the language is harder too than the Turkish. But I feel like I have been put in the right place and that if I continue to be perservering and prayerful I will be able to do a good work. The "would be Christian" sects have got quite a root in the land and have blinded already the minds of these ignorant people. There are some of their converts who are intelligent enough, however, to see the shallowness of their doctrines. The Roman and Greek Catholics are very popular here. The weather is warm but I am already acclimated I believe. It was one month on the 28th April since I arrived here; had quite a long journey you see getting here; it was more expensive too than I expected even with the most economical plan. I got through very well