logs obtained in Missouri. Their home was about four rods west of the river bank. About 1/2 mile southwest and on the side of a hill was the cemetery. Uncle Edward camped by us and built his house only a few yards west of ours. Their oldest child, Nephi, was born the day or day after we arrived in Winter Quarters. I, Timothy B., was born there on Sunday November 21, 1847. They went to Utah in 1848 with the Company that left after the Pioneers started, and Benjamin Johnson and family occupied their Winter Quarters cabin. The town streets extended west from the river. She didn't remember of their being north and south streets.
She says they received a letter stating that sister Elizabeth's husband, Job Bailey, had died near Charleston and father went back and settled up her business and brought her to Winter Quarters. He drove his ox team back and brought her and the two children – Bathany and Lizzie –. He must have got an ox team of hers as uncle James Stevenson drove it across the plains, leaving Winter Quarters – both families coming in Apostle Amasa M. Lyman's company. They left Winter Quarters in June 1848. Aunt Elizabeth married Uncle Norwood about a year later.
About two days after arriving in Salt Lake, we come to North Canyon, (now Bountiful) and camped for a few days in a covered wagon box set off on the ground, while father and Uncle Levi Dougherty built a cabin. Then they build Uncle Levi's house. Meanwhile Aunt Mary Dougherty was living in the Salt Lake City Fort with Uncle Edward. Alice Dougherty was born there only a few days after the family arrived in Salt Lake.
The house roofs were made of willows and dirt, and split and hewn logs for the floors. The weather being cold during the latter part of October and no stoves obtainable and mother's youngest child being less than one year old and the other less than two, she says she would take a bake kettle full of live coals from a big wood