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The following is a copy from notes written by Timothy B. Clark as told to him by his mother, Mary Stevenson Clark, wife of Ezra Thompson Clark:

Farmington, Utah
Thursday, Feb. 20, 1908

This morning mother received a letter from Brother Edward B. Clark at Council Bluffs. He had visited Winter Quarters, etc. Mother then gave me this information:

Father and mother (Ezra T. Clark and Mary S. Clark) were married at Uncle Edward Stevenson's home five miles west of Nauvoo by Uncle William O. Clark on the eighteenth of May, 1845. They lived nearly one year in a log house rented from Uncle John Cooper, about seven miles west of Nauvoo, and about one mile southwest of Charleston, Iowa (Lee County) where Ezra James was born the 30th of March 1846.

In June 1846 they started west with one wagon drawn by three yoke of cattle; also one cow that was giving milk. The cow was driven with other stock owned by others of the train. Apostle Amasa M. Lyman was captain. Aunt Paulina was along and Aunt Nancy, and several of the Porters. They also had a coop of four hens and one rooster attached to the back of the wagon box. The chickens were turned loose each evening for exercise.

Mother thinks it is about 200 miles from Nauvoo to Council Bluffs where there is quite a settlement, but she doesn't remember of there being any houses through the then wilderness of 200 miles.

July 15, 1846, they crossed the Missouri River on the ferry boat at Council Bluffs and camped about 3/4 of a mile south of the ferry in Winter Quarters, which is now Florence, Nebraska (Then Indian territory).

She didn't remember whether they had a tent or not, but father soon built a log house with