
page 15

Laura Clark Cook

except myself and Edward Robinson and Alice Steed Sonle.

Keith What was the Primary like when you were a child?

Laura Aurelia S. Rogers lived in Farmington, and she was the one that first started the Primary; it was before I was born in 1871. There is a beautiful mural on the wall at the end of the chapel in Farmington, its beautiful, its a picture of Aurelia S. Rogers, Amasa Clark and Annie and Sarah and a group of other children are in this murual in Farmington. Aurelia S. Rogers loved little children, and she got up her little entertainments. The first was acting on the stage, and we had different parts.

Keith Did you have different things you could do?

Laura Yes we had to take parts in these little shows that she would put on. Like the "Mistletoe Bow", and different other quaint stories of years ago, "The Lost Shoe", and "Beauty and the Beast". Sister Rogers was a lovely person, and she actually spent time getting us together. I remember the beautiful dresses and beautiful things that we wore on that stage; I think I was 10 or 12 and up to 14 in these shows. I was at this time in Mutual. When I was in Mutual "Louie" Oviatt Cotterell was President of the Mutual; she was a lovely person. Once she said - I remember this so well -, "If you'll always say your prayers every night and morning you'll always be able to resist temptation". That always stayed in my mind, and I always thought she was a lovely person teaching us when we were young.

Keith Were there any particular games you played with the other children?

Laura I remember braiding the May Pole the First of May. I'd always have on a white dress. We would go down the meadows; the meadow would be covered pink with May flowers. Sister Rogers would have a group of us together, and she and our mothers would have a lunch. I remember carrying a little basket with our lunch and going down there to meadows for this picnic. She gave us a lot of pleasure, Mrs. Rogers did.

Keith Now when you were younger, were most of the people in Farmington members of the church, or were there many people that weren't members of the church?

Laura Eliza R. Snow came to Farmington, and she would visit. I can remember this, I was sitting in the Primary. I can remember the seat; I was sitting on, the first row.