

by Rachel (Thelma) Clark Teudt

Feb. 13 - 1982

Father's Birthday

Dear Morrell: Could I pick a better time than today, to send what I have gathered together in my memories of our Beloved Father.

Here-in you will find the wonderful talk Father gave to us children at the time Hyrum T. came to conference and our home in Farmington and we had our family group picture taken.

It was the first time we had been together under the same roof. And Father mentioned that just before he started his talk.

"Do you children realize that this is the first time I have been privileged  to look upon all of your splendid faces at the same time?"

Then he began, and the following is almost word for word of that fine talk. I took it from my manuscript of "A Flame in the Rockies." I also enclosed a couple of incidences from the same - which sort of depicts our life style.

Excerpt from my "Flame in the Rockies"

Father's message to us.

For some time now I have felt an inclination toward admonishing my children that you might know my desires concerning you; but first of all I must say as I look at all of your splendid faces that I am gratified that you are all sound in body and


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in mind. I am proud to have been blessed with such a wonderful large family, and as you have often heard me say "I see in perspective a whole regiment of fine little threshers and crashers growing up about me."

But seriously now, I want all of my children to understand that each and everyone of you were welcomed into this world with open arms. You can go forth from this household with that assurance. You have ample reason to be proud of your examplary progenitors, if you do your part they, in turn, will be proud of you. Let me prevail upon you to use guarded restraint in all your desires, being moderate at all times. Always have reverence for sacred things.

If at times I have seemed a little severe in disciplining some of you, it is my hope that you will realize I was motivated by an eager anxiety for your ultimate good, as well as an intolerance toward lack of obedience or unworthy behavior.

Having been aware that some of you children have criticized and censured some of the steps I have taken in the past, particularly that of polygamy I wish you to know that in so doing I felt that it was the will of the Lord.

It has been my purpose to emphasize the importance of the knowledge and testimony you possess of the will of the Lord concerning his children here upon the Earth: A knowledge that is the greatest gift to mankind, and when you think of the comparative few who have been given this opportunity, let me say to you on this occasion that you should value highly this inheritance.