Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance of the State of California". He traveled around the world, lecturing in the cause of temperance. No doubt he did a great deal of good, but that is but one of the principles of the restored gospel. He obtained the fleeting honors of men. As men of the world go, he was an honored man. As to his temporal wealth, he lost that died poor and away from the church. He was a frequent visitor to Utah and our home. He always maintained that he was a member of our church. he died in California at the age of 93 years.
Three sons and a daughter of David Keeler Clark were George W., William D., Ezra and Cordelia Clark Robinson. David Keeler Clark in an early day located in Missouri. The country was new and they located in Missouri. The country was new and they located in a good farming district. A town grew up named Appleton City. They were highly respected farmers and cattle raisers. George W. was president of a bank. A peculiar characteristic of nearly all of the Clarks, was that they abstained from liquor, tobacco and profanity.
We have little knowledge of our ancestors back of Timothy B. Clark, who was born in Connecticut, May 15, 1773, and died Nov. 29, 1848. Timothy B. Clark was the son of John Clark. John was born Oct. 1, 1732 at Milford Conn. John Clark, Senior was the son of Samuel, who was the son of George. George Clark was a land holder in Herdfordshire, England. The exact date of his coming to America is not known, but records show that he was on the committee which purchased land from the Indians on which to found the present city of New Milford, Connecticut. George Clark was born in 1610 in England and died in August 1690. His wife was Sarah. We have not learned just where he was born, but he located in Milford, Conn. about 1640.
The wife of Timothy B. Clark, Mary (Polly) Keeler, was born at the Milford Conn. February 1786. John Clark married Elizabeth Rogers, born February 1741. John Clark, Sr. was born Sept. 15, 1695