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and married Billings Baldwin. He died about 1740. Samuel Clark, father of John Sr., was born October 1645 at Milford, Conn.

Ezra Thompson Clark was born in Laurenceville, Deipage, I11. November 23, 1823. When quite young he moved with the family to Lee County, Iowa, then the family moved into Missouri where many of the Saints were gathering to build up the center stake. Timothy's family located near Independence, Mo., to the Southeast, in a very productive area, but soon were mobbed out.

Ezra T. as a very young man received many valuable experiences in stock raising, which he followed later, and very successfuly in utah and Idaho. He also learned much about trading. It is said of him that when he made up his mind to go west with the Saints he had only two ponies. But by trading he became possessed of a team a wagon, with which to move to winter Quarters.

Ezra James Clark was born near Nauvoo, I11. March 30, 1846 just before the family moved westward. The Saints were now determined to seek a place where they might live unmolested and be out of reach of their enemies.

Ezra T. and his wife Mary, who was born at Gibralter on August 29, 1825 and died November 24, 1911, located on the west bank of the Missouri River, there being cottonwood and other kinds of trees there on the river bottom, from which to obtain timber for building a cabin. Here they remained during the winter of 1846 and the year of 1847. It was here that their second son, Timothy Baldwin, was born on November 21, 1847.

While located at winter Quarters, Ezra T. made a trip back to Nauvoo and brought mother's widowed sister, Elizabeth, to Winter Quarters that she might accompany them across the plains to Utah. By trading around he secured for them an outfit to travel in.