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Mother passed away June 12th, 1927. Father was released from his Calif. Mission. Soon after this he took Aunt Mary to the Logan Temple where she was sealed to him.

Mary Bennion often said: "We were known as the family that never quarreled." Now I earnestly pray the Lord to abundantly bless Father's big and lovely Family.

Sincerely your brother and constant friend,


Heber Don Carlos Clark


Left to right, Standing: Rachel ('Thelma), Alma Porter, Mary, Hyrum T., Edna, Rhoda

Seated: O. Morrell, Avery, Hyrum D., Elwin, Zula, Eliza P., Antone Ivins, Blanche, Heber D.

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(Written up from notes taken by Morrell at interviews with her.)

Notes from November 19, 1981

Edna recounted a boat ride with Father on Bear Lake. "He was master of those oars" she later remarked.

On the ranch she and Heber helped milk the cows. At times she helped with fences.

"Father was finicky about meat."

Notes from March 7, 1982

Edna said that the FATHER I (Morrell) knew, was overburdened; he had "pressure"; and was "not the calm and deliberate FATHER that I (Edna) knew.)

While Father was courting Mother (Eliza Porter) one time they were near the Weber River, and near the mouth of Weber Canyon, and Father asked: "If I'd catch the fish, would you fry it?" She replied: "Yes, you catch the fish and I'll fry 'em."

"Father used to take me for a ride on his horse, and while riding would like to hear me sing to him," - such for example:

"Up, up, in the sky, Where the little birds fly
"Down, down in the nest, where the little birds rest."

''Father made hand sleds for us, and would pull them" with a rope, from a horse, two or three in tandem.

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