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"We shall not miss the great works of Man's effort to assent God's glory in the world--if only we can see her face, glorified by sincerity of devotion do loved ones;

"We shall not miss the great actors of the world--Counterfeitting the true emotions of mankind-- if only we can feel her arms around us and the protection of loving companionship.

"We shall not miss the world's great symphonies therein that after setting of the Universal Sun--if only we can hear her voice love laden calling us together again."

Then from you we have learned:

"Home is where many hearts have loved, where dear caresses heal the pain and tears; It's where a dream is born; It's where another's faith give ou courage, holds you true; Home is where the heart is bound by love's chain; nothing dims the luster. Time nor distance cannot stain, And when the years grow lonely; when our heart's too old to roam, Lord, grant us a Place, where She is. Help us to find our Heavenly Home."
