Chapter Three
BY Louise Tippitts Barkdull
Given to
Rhoda in Remembrance
Your mother was truly one of the most beloved women in Georgetown. Our mothers served together for years in the Primary Association as Presidents and as Councilors with Nettie Payne Larson.
The five or six years of the early nineties when your Aunt Emily Richards lived there, while her husband was Bishop, our place was half way between your place and the Bishops's; so Alice, Emma, and Emily would meet very often to do their darning, patching, etc., and visit the while or plan a party of the Primary children, or get ideas for the Young Ladies social for Sister Richards was President of the Young Ladies Association.
In 1910 and 1911 Ester Pratt was Principal of Georgetown school, Lillian Wright taught the intermediate grades and I taught the primary grades. Your brother Bryant and his cousin Julia were pals and "Teacher's Pets".
When I was called to teach in the Central States Mission in 1911 - 12, your mother had my school children give me a shower in her home. They brought needles, pins, hair pins, thumble, thread, comb, brush, etc, etc., little needful things they could buy themselves. We had refreshments and played games. A never to be forgotten experience.
The Clarks were numbered among the Greats of Georgetown and that goes for your three brothers and both you and Maurine.
These are some lines I copied from a paper. I wish you would add this to your mother's life story for mother and me: