Mr Chamberlain was hear to the funeral but has had a bad cough for years but took neumonia [pneumonia] & died & was burried [buried] last Saturday & Martha is left to […] the loss of a kind husband but she had plenty of this worlds goods to make her comfortable her youngest Daughter I think will live with her. My Daughters was hear + My youngest went home to the City yesterday as too off them liv [live] thare [there]—Lewis + John + Harriet or Martha liv [live] hear [here] in Santa Rosa all […] well I keep a liked woman to do my work + for company for me the wether [weather] is lovely we hav [have] had no snow this winter + we think it verry [very] cold when it freeses [freezes] Ice as thisck as window last we have had a pleasant winter + some are making gardens so pleasant
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A precious one from us has gone
Her voice we loved is stilled
a place is vacant in our home
wich [which] never can be filled
God in His wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given
and tho [though] the body moulders hear [here]
The soul is safe in heaven
Written by Rhoda Cooper I am eighty too [eighty-two] years of age the 25 of last October you can past this in youre [your Scdrapbook to remember me RC