M10 Amasa Lyman Clark /
Missionary Journal of Amasa L. Clark (Nov 1887- Sept 1888)
Missionary Journal of Amasa L. Clark
Nov. 22, 1887
I received a letter of inquiry from the first Seven Presidents of Seventies dated Sept. 20, 1887, desiring to know my condition and feelings in regard to peforming a mission if my service should be needed within the next three years. In answer I said I was willing to do what was required at my hands.
On the 3rd of Nov. 1887 I received a letter from President (Wilford) Woodruff stating that my name had been accepted as a missionary to the Southern States & that I was expected to start on the 15th of the same month. Before starting I moved (d) Alice my wife down to my fathers and according to arrangements started from Salt Lake City on the 17th of November via of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway. (p. 2)
Leaving Salt Lake (11-10 a.m.) I traveled south through an open country for about 15 mi. then descended into the river bottom of the Jordon where the train makes several nice curves. After abt 5 or 6 miles travel in the river bottom we came out on a level plain in Utah State, arrived at Provo at 1-10 p.m. here I met Bros. Moroni Dunford and Robert Skelton. Travel southeast through Springville and Spanish Fork and then up the Spanish Fork Canyon saw several charcoal kilns and a sand stone quarry and some slate colored rocky cliffs. The grade was so heavy another engine joined us until (sic) we reached Soldier's Summit (7465 ft above sea level) we then passed through Pleasant Valley which is not settled very much. Continuing down grade we pass through Price Canyon. (p.3)
It was quite difficult to construct a road through this canyon as it runs on the edge of rocky cliffs which shoot perpendicularly into the air for hundreds of feet. In the eve. We came to Castle Gate. The huge pillars of rock composing it are offshoots of the cliffs behind. One peak is 400 ft. high the other five (hundred). Travel over a desert company and arrive at Green River after dark. Had a talk with Wm Elliot of Rochester, Minn., an unbeliever in the Bible
Nov. 18 (Friday)
Wake up early in the morning and find myself traveling through up the Gunnison Canyon. (T)hrough this canyon runs the Gunnison River which flows into the Colorado. This canyon affords very beautiful (s)cenery. The road has been (p.4) constructed in the side of solid cliffs which hand over the cars and shoot into the air for hundreds of feet. Leaving the canyon we follow up the river through a small valley about a mile wide. In this valley are hundreds of acres of me(a)dowland. Saw great amount of hay and some nice beef cattle. Arrive at Gunnison for breakfast. Here another enjine (sic) joins us. Continue to the southeast from Gunnison up a very small canyon the grade being very heavy. At this time we begin ascending the Rocky Mountains. The grade becomes heavier averaging about 270 feet to the mile. We gradually ascend the mts winding around the hills forming very short curves. Near the summit the train runs around six miles of road in accompolishing three (p. 5) quarters of a mile. Reach the summit abt. Noon (10,952 ft above the sea). In de(s)cending the mountain the train runs around similar curves forming curves a great deal like a letter S. On arriving at the bottom Moroni Dunford pulled a tooth for me. From the foot of the mt. We run through a very narrow valley out into a plain country between two ranges of mts. In this valley are several small villages among which is Poucho. Here we cross the Arkansas River & follow it down through Grand Canyon. This canyon is about 30 mi. long and is very narrow.
At one place it is so narrow that one end of a bridge is held up by two iron beams which extend above the track from one side of the canyon to the other. (T)he other end is fastened to the cliff (p.6) Along through these canyons are found several (cake) kilns. The fire in the(s)e kilns burns from (to) bottom. After leaving this canyon we follow the Arkansas River southeast opening out into the great planes (sic). Leaving the beautiful rocky mts. In the west. We soon arrive at Cannon City Col. Which is the same altitude as Salt Lake City also growing the same products. Here is situated the state prison of Colorad(o). This (is) a great mining district---coal. Forty miles farther brings us to Pueblo. Was much surprised to see the streets running off in different direction(s). Arrive(d) here at 4-25 p.m. Change cars for Kansas City. Leave via. Of Atchison (Topica) & Santafee at 6.50 wide. Travel through planes all night crossing the line between Col. (p.7)
Nov. 19 -(Saturday)
And Kansas about 12-30 a.m. Wake up in the morning and still on the planes. The soil seems to be a light cast containing alkali and other minerals. Many towns & villages are built along the railroad. Corn is the principal product.
In the eastern part of Kansas the land seems to be better & several coal mines are also found here. Arrive at Kansas City at 5-10. While here I visited the Cable line also went out and saw the Missouri River by moonlight. The population is about 200,000. Streets run in different directions.
Leave here at 9-20; via., of Fort Scott, Gulf R. R. Rode in a chair-car. We are at this point coming into the forests of white oak and other trees. Travel all night (p.8)
20- (Sunday)
The cotton plant soon begins to appear but is not cultivated as extensively as corn (and) (lumber). Travel south-east through Missouri & the north-eastern part of Arkansas. Receive telegram that the trussell (trestle) works are burned. Have to run around another road which is a great deal farther causing us to be late to connect with the other train at Memphis. Cross the Mississippi about 10 ( p.m.) on a ferryboat-Charles Marion. Was taken in & shown the barge engine, electric engine, driving-wheel etc. Arrived at Peabody House, Memphis about 11-50 p.m. This city contains 60,000 inhabitants. Stay all night and start for Chattanooga at 10 a.m.
21- (Monday)
via of the Memphis & Charleston (p.9) Along the road are seen cotton field(s). A great many trees are cut from the forest. About one half the population seem to be Negroes. Droves of pigs are seen instead of herds of cattle.
This part of the country consists of rolling hills which are covered with trees. The people are generally very indolent. Children receive a very poor education having to work in the cotton from the last of April to late in the fall, sometimes until (sic) Christmas.
Travel from Memphis through the south-wester(n) part of Tenn., the north-eastern part of Miss., the northern part of Alabama, the north-western corner of Georgia, then back into Tenn. arriving at Chattanooga (p.10) 10 p.m. and go to the Kennedy House.
Nov. 22 (Thursday)
In the morning take Dummy Line & go to Missouri Ridge. On this hill some hard fighting was done during the war between the north and the south. Obtained some wild raspberry leaves, also a (small) cedar bough from the tree where Gen. Bragg had his headquarters.
In the afternoon went and visited the ice factor(y) where water is distilled and frozen in vats by the use of compressed air.
Nov. 23 (Wednesday)
Bro. Morgan left for the west the 22nd with a company of Emigrants. Bro. Spry (Bro. Morgan's assistant) and Heber Rich, who was assisting Bro. Spry, came to the Hotel and gave us some instructions regarding our responsibility as missionaries and the manner in which we should (p.11) Conduct ourselves. Bro. Robt Skelton was appointed to labor in Clay Co., Tennessee. Bro. O. P. Jensen & myself were sent to Ezell, Spartanburg Co., S.C. Bro. Skelton started the next morning Nov. 24 abt. 5 o'clock. We were to start at 9.10 but on account of having to meet Bro. Spry we did not go until, 1- p.m. Arrived in Atlant(a) at 6:50 p.m. , after traveling about 150 miles through a rolling country covered with pine, hickory, oak, and other trees. Could not make connection at Atlanta and stayed all night there. The people of Atlanta were divided in opinion about the liquor question & it was to be decided by ballot. Those opposed to the sale of liquor, The Probation Club, about 25,000 in number, were parading the streets, most of them having (p.12) torches & preceeded by a brass band. Stopped at hotel near the depot and started for Cowpens St. at 7-40 a.m.
Friday Nov. 25
Arrived at Cowpens St. or Hampton at 4-10 p.m. after traveling all day through a very rolling country covered with forest. The country is very thinly settled except for a settlements scattered along the railroad. At Hampton we met Bros. Humphery & Stookey who were just going to start south-west into a new field of labor. We also met Mr. Jno. Black who is a rough man but he is very friendly to the Elders; they having stayed to his house at times for four years. Twenty-five Elders have stayed at his house.
Walked home with Mr. Black about 7 ½ miles north-east of the Station. Here we found the S. C. conference of the Church presided over by Moroni D. Ferrin (p.13)
Here I joined Bro. Wm. A. Redd in laboring with the members of the Church and holding Sunday School and Meeting at (near) Tickety Mt. Every Sunday. Bro. Jensen labored with Elisha Peck, (of) Lehi three miles east of here in a Branch of the Church. Stayed all night with Mr. Jno. Black (7 ½ miles)
Saturday 26 1887.
Ate dinner with Jno. Black. After dinner, met with Elder Ferrin who had been visiting the Saints south-west of here.
The people are very thinly settled there being about three or four houses to the square mile. Stayed all night with Sydney Berry.
Sunday 27.
Attended Sunday School and meeting held on porch of Alonzo Canty's. Spoke at each meeting. (p.14) Stayed all night with Jno. Black, Esq.
Monday 28, Nov.
Wrote to my wife, W. W. Clark, & to Wm. Spry, Chattanooga, informing him of our safe arrival. Met Elder Elisha Peck from Brighton Branch. He was acquainted with Ezra J. Clark in England. Stayed all night with James Watts.
Tuesday 29.
Went to Ezell P.O. three miles distance. On returning visited Cowpen's Monument where the last battle of the Revolutionary War was fought. The monument is built upon a square rock. It was made of rock in an octagon shape upon which is placed a large white stone of the same shape. Height about seven feet. From the top extends a rod into the air about eight feet long (p.15)
Thursday Dec. 1.
Met Elder Ferrin. Ate dinner with Alonzo Canty. Went with Elder Ferrin stayled all night with Davis Ayers. 2 miles.
Friday 2nd Dec.
Ate dinner with Alonzo Canty. Stayed all night with Sydney Berry.
Satur 3 day.
Went to the post office stopped on the way back and ate dinner with Sister Lanier. Met with Bro. Jensen and Peck from Brighton. (p.16) Stayed all nigh(t) with Bro. Jas. Watts. (7 ½ miles)
Sunday 4th Dec.
Fast day. Sunday School and meeting at James Watts'. Spoke at each meeting. Took dinner with Bro. Taylor George's. Stayed all night with Bro. James Watts.
Monday 5-
Took dinner with Alonzo Canty. Stayed all night with Davis Ayers.
Tuesday 6
Went to Post Office came back to cotton picking at Davis Ayers had dinner and supper with him. Stayed all night with Jno. Black. 7 ½ miles.
Wednesday 7
Engaged in setteling (sic) difficulty between Bro. Sydney Berry and family about working part of Mr. John Black's Farm. Took dinner with Sydney Berry & stayed all night with Alonzo Canty. (p.17)
Thursday 8
Went to the post office coming back, took dinner with John Williams. Rec'd a…come from my wife. Stayed all night with John Black Esq. after holding a Testamony (sic) meeting at Bro. James Watts. 7 ½ mi.
Friday 9 Dec.
During the forenoon I attended a council meeting in the woods, by a fire, while it was raining. Moroni Ferrin, Wm A Redd and myself were present. Were engaged in setteling (sic) a difficulty between Sydney Berry and family. His wife has (had) children from four other men before marrying Bro. Berry and according to the Law of S. C. he has no right to control them but we wish to have the children bound to them so he can (p.18) control them, which he is not willing to have done.
Ate dinner with Alonzo Canty. After dinner we met with Bro. Berry in a vacant cabin of John Blacks and held council until about four p.m. when we went and visited with Sister Berry and tried to persuade her to bind the children to him which she was not willing to do. West from there about 9-30 p.m. and stayed all night with Alonzo Canty.
Saturday 10 Dec.
Wrote a letter to Alice and went to the post office while Elders Ferrin and Redd went to visit Sister Berry. Stopped at Sister Linder's on my way back and had a nice dinner with her. On coming to headquarters met Bros. & Jensen, (p.19) had a bath and Bro. Ferrin wished me to go with Elder Peck to a branch three miles east where a Sunday School and meeting are held every Sunday, average attendance about thirty. Arrived at Bro. Surratt's (headquarters) at 6-30 p.m. 10 ½ miles.
Sunday 11
Met with the saints and children about 10-30 a.m. After the reading exercises I spoke for about 15 mts. Between S. S. and meeting there was fifteen intermission. Meeting commenced at 12 o'clock. During meeting I was an instrument in speaking to the people for about thirty minutes upon the first principles of the Gospel, the Apostasy, & the Restorations of the Gospel. Bore testimony (sic) that the Gospel was (p.20) restored in these last days. After dinner went from Bro. Surratt's and visited Sister Price and took supper with her-spent the evening there and returned to Bro. Surratt's where we stayed all night.
Monday 12-1887
Spent the forenoon in picking cotton for Mrs. Surratt. After dinner cut some wood-wrote in my journal and walked two miles and a half south. Stayed all night with Bros. Thos. Blackwood & family all have been baptized except the mother. Spent the evening in talking with the family about the Gospel. 2 ½ mi.
Tuesday Dec. 13, 1887
Left Bro. Blackwood's about 9 oclock after chopping some wood, walked about one mile stayed all night with (Bro.) James Bowlin (p.21) and family. Had a good time in talking about the Gospel. Sister Bowlin told of the ill-treatment she received from her folk. Her father went away from home when she went to visit him. Her folks with not have anything to (do) with her.
Ate dinner there and stayed all night. Was treated very kindly. Enjoyed a nice dish for dinner and breakfast called stickies. Made by rolling out dough which spread with butter and brown-sugar then it is all rolled together making layers of dough, & butter & sugar. The roll is then cut into pieces about two inches long which are put into the baking oven-a little milk poured over them and then baked. 1 mi. (p.22)
Wednesday 14
Left Bro. Bowlin's about 9, o'clock went about two miles-north-west to Mr. Henry Henderson's via of Bro. Blackwood's. His family have all been baptized. Here a young lady aged 15 was sick with a dizzy head blood having rushed to her head.
Her father also had a very bad cold. We administered to them and then went about ¾ of a mile to Bro. Blackwood's and got some herbs to make some herb tea for them. When we returned the girl was better-made some tea and gave them & he felt better. We then chopped up a pile of wood. After dinner we read the Book of Mormon to them until 4 p.m. and then walked three miles to Bro. Surratt's (headquarters). Ate supper with Sister Watts, and (p.23)
Stayed all night with Bro. Surratt. 5 miles.
Thursday 15
After breakfast spent some time in writing in my journal. Two years ago this moment I was going after My Alice to start to Logan.1 Left Bro. Surratt's at 10 a.m. & went two miles south two miles (sic) and took dinner at Thos. Blackwood's. Talked with Mrs. Linder upon the Principles of our religion. Ate some very nice popped-corn.
The "Knights of Labor" are holding meetings here and quite a number are joining them. There is a general feeling among the people that they are about to create trouble with the Nation. Left Bro. Blackwood's at 4 p.m. (p.24) for Bro. Surratt's. On the road we met Elders Ferrin and Redd who accompanied us to Bro. Surratt's. Elder Peck and I went & spent the evening and stayed all night with Sister Cleveland Bright. (H)er husband has been excommunicated. 2 mi.
Friday 16-Dec.
My Wedding Day---Beautiful day. Met with Elders Ferrin & Redd & held a Council Meeting upon some difficulties to be setteled (sic) in the Church. Ate dinner with Bro. Surratt. Wrote to my wife and Dr. Hetzler. Spent the evening with the wife of Hosea Bright-he has been excommunicated. Stayed all night with Bro. Surratt.
Saturday 17. Dec.
Ate breakfast with Bro. Surratt. Went up to Alonzo Canty's (headquarters). Had bath & changed clothes (p.25)
Ate dinner with Alonzo Canty. Held Council Meeting on the case of Mrs. Sydney Berry also James Watts for drunkedness (sic). Has to make acknowledgement before the Church. Left for Bro. Surratt's with Elders Peck & Jensen. Stayed all night for Bro. Surratt. 6 mi.
Sunday 18th, 1887.
No Sunday School was held on account of the children having the mumps. Meeting commenced at 11 a.m. at which each of us spoke. Testamony (sic) meeting at 6 p.m. was held at Bro. Evan Watts. Several of Saints bore their testimony (sic). Spent night Harrison Bright.
Monday 19
Helped Mrs. Surratt pick the last of her cotton while Bro. Peck carried a grist to the mill 21/2 miles away. Ate dinner with Bro. Surratt. (p.26)
Spent the evening and stayed all night with Mr. Harrison Bright and family. Read to them from "The Martyrs" and explained the principles of the Gospel to them. (W)ent to bed 11-40.
Tuesday, 20. Dec.
Has been raining during the night and all the morning. Ate dinner with Bro. Surratt. Wrote to Alice, Wm. Elliot (of) Rochester, Minn.2 And to Jos. S. Clark. Spent the evening with Hosea Bright and stayed all night with Bro. Surratt.
Wednesday 21,
Went with Elder Peck two miles to the Shoe-makers. Came back and had dinner with Bro. Surratt. Met with Elders Ferrin & Redd who had brought me a letter from A (Alice). Held Council Meeting over the (p.27) difficulties existing in the Conference. (P)artook of the Sacrament and each of us spoke and desired to improve the condition of the Conference. After meeting left with Elder Ferrin went 2 miles south and spent the eve. & stayed all night with Bro. Thos. Blackwood. 2 miles.
(22) Thursday
Went to Mr. Henry Henderson at 8:30. Read the B of M to them; stayed until (sic) about 3 p.m. left to see Bro. Lee Linder-was away from home. We then went down towards Cowpens & stayed all night with Mr. Mat. Henderson. 4 miles.
Friday 23
Went and saw a Mr. Smith on some of Elder Ferrin's business, then went and had dinner with Mr. Jorden Blackwood's (wife had been baptized). (p.28) Stayed all night. Had conversation with a woman who had no heard the Gospel. 3 mi.
Saturday 24
Started for headquarters Alonzo Canty's distance 5 miles. Has been raining all night. Ate dinner with Bro. Alonzo Canty. Started with Elder Peck & told the people there would be no meeting tomorrow on account of so much drunkedness (sic) going on it the (sic) being the custom of the country. Stayed all night with Bro. James Bowling.
Sunday 25 Christmas (sic)
Left for Bro. Surratt's 3 miles, had Christhmas (sic) dinner with Bro. Surratt. Spent the day in singing hymns and talking. Ate supper with Bro. Surratt. Stayed all night with Bro. Evan Watts. 6 1/'2 mi. (p.29)
Monday 26 Dec.
Wrote to Wife and Parents. Ate dinner with Bro. Surratt, also stayed all night with him. 3 mi.
Tuesday 27. Dec.
Went to the P.O. coming back ate dinner with Sister Lanier. Left headquarters with Elder OP Jensen stayed all night with Theodore Bright. 12 miles
Wednesday 28, Dec.
Went to Bro. Surratt's wrote to my Companion. Held Council Meeting in the afternoon and partook of the Sacrament. Elder Ferrin and I after meeting, started on a three weeks trip to Kings Mt. 25 miles east to look after the Saints there. Walked 8 miles in the evening stayhed all night with Hampton Robinson who has been excommunicated (p.30) for drunkenness (sic). His wife is strong in the faith. (F)riends have abandoned her; her half-sister burned her house & continse (contents) down but cannot give her religion up. 8 ½ (miles)
Thursday 29. December
Stayed all day and night with Sister Robinson. Chopped a large pile of wood for her mother who has been opposed to LDS. She seemed pleased with my cutting the wood & felt better towards us. Made two pies for us for Christhmas (sic) Present.
Friday, Dec. 30.
Had a very nice chicken & dumplings for breakfast. Started on our journey at 1 p.m. went east 14 miles to Bro. Moses Gordon's on Buffalo Creek where we stayed all night & the next day and night. Read a pamplet entitled Mormon (p. 31) Exposed" The other side of Mr. Barclay (,) A Member of the British Parliament. 15 mi.
New Years 1888. Sunday.
After breakfast we went one mile south in the rain & spent the day and night with Bro. Jno. Gordon on Mr. Humphrey's plantation. 1 mi.
Monday January 2
Administered to one of the children and left at 1 p.m. went to Bro. Wm Weavers three miles south east of Grover on Mr. Patterson's Plantation. Stayed all night. 7 mi.
(Tuesday 3.)
Went and took dinner with Saister Dorer (Soer?) 11/2 mile(s) south. Her husband is opposed to our Faith. After dinner went 11/2 mi south and spent some time with Bro. Wiley. Sister Wiley is blind. (p.32) She knows how to read with raised letters. Has the Testament in two volumes each being about the size of a large center-table Bible. She is very well versed in the Scriptures. Left in the evening and went back and stayed all night with Wm. Weaver. 5 mi.
Wednesday 4 Jan.
Wrote a letter to a to Alice. Went three miles and spent several hours with mr. L.g. wilson who has been investigating-lives one half mile n-e (northeast) from Grover. Went Back to Bro. Moses Gordon's 41/2 mi and stayed all night. 7-1/2 (miles)
Thursday 5, 1888.
Went 1 ½ mi. east. (T)ook dinner with Bro. Jno. Gordon who has moved on Mr. Thos. Camps place. After dinner went to Shelby and found Bro. Jno. Gowins working in a small (p.33) plaining (sic) mill; went from here 2 miles s-e (southeast) to his home got lost & went an extra mile. 12 ½ mi.
Friday Jan. 6
Stayed all day and night here. In the afternoon went to Shelby, N.C. Got some Olive O(il). 4 mi.
Saturday 7. 1888.
Had a bath in the creek and wore some other underware (sic) while Sister Goins washed & dried ours. Went back to Bro. Jno. Gordon's 6 mi. where we stayed all night. Administered to Bro. Gordon's child. 6 mi
Sunday 8. Jan.
Held two meetings spoke at each. In the evening administered to Bro. Jno. Gordon's child. Stayed all night here. Had conversation with Mr. Camp who thought I (was) a young looking (p.34) preacher. Seemed interested & accepted a tract with pleasure.
Monday Jan. 9
Went and spent the day with Bro. Moses Gordons wrote to Father-in-Law and Alice. Stayed all night with Mr. Jno. Patterson treated kindly his wife would be baptized if he would permit. 3 mi.
-Tuesday 10-Jan.-
Went 8 miles s. (south) ate dinner with Bro. Wm. Weaver. Bro. Ferrin (re)baptized Sister Weaver for Adultery and I reconfirmed her. E. Ferrin went down to York Co. alone and in disguise to visit some of the Saints. I did not on account of raising suspicion as two generally travel alone. I accompanied him one mile and visited Kings Mt. Monument and then came back and stayed. (p.35)
All night with Bro. Wiley. The King's Mt. Monument is twent(y)-five feet high built of granite; the same as in SLC. (Salt Lake City) Temple. Cost $2800.00. I(t) is situated on a hill, one of the spurs of King Mt. Ridge. Build in honor of a successful Revolutionary Battle in which Gen. Furgerson at the head of English, who were camped on top of the hill, was defeated by the Americans who surrounded the hill. Here the tide of war turned in favor of America. Battled Oct. 7, 1780. Obtained a good view from the monument standing on its platform five or six feet from the ground. 10 mi
Wednesday Jan. 11, 1888
Went seven miles north-ate dinner with Bro. Wm. Weaver. (p.36) Stayed all night with Mr. Lum Turner who wanted to see the Elders. (H)e was much interested was treated kindly. I was to ask him about wanting to see the E's if I saw him while going by; so as no one could be seen the dog come at me in such a fury that the man came out and invited me in. 7 mi.
Thursday 12
Took dinner with Bro. M. Gordon. 11/2 mi. After dinner went to Bro. Jno. Gordon's 11/2 miles east. Spent the evening & stayed all night with Mr. Thos. Camp who wanted to see the Elders. Stayed up talking until (sic) 12 p.m. His wife never talked with an LDS before thought men in Utah had 7 wives and to examined my Bible thinking it a "Mormon" Bible. 3 (miles) (p.37)
Friday 13.
Ate dinner with Bro. Jno. Gordon and then went 6 mi. n (north) to Bro. Jno. Goins near Shelby N.C. (S)tayed all night. 6 mi.
Saturday 14 Jan.
Had a bath in the creek some sleet was on the ground. Wrote to my wife. Left for Bro. Jno. Gordons at 4 p.m. here met Elder Ferrin who had returned from York Country. 6 mi
Sunday 15
Had meeting at 11 a.m. & ate dinner with Bro. Jno. Gordon. Stayed all night with Bro. Moses Gordon. 2 mi.
Monday 16 Jan.
Had a fall in the old mill wheel feel and cut my head on a rock but soon got well. After dinner we went 5 mi. (p.38)
s-e (southeast). To Bro. Saml. Gordon's 2 mi nonorth (sic) of Balck's Station near Whitacer Mt. His wife is non-Mormon. Held meeting with the family and I spoke about 30 minutes by the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Stormy weather. Stayed all night. 5 mi.
Tuesday Jan. 17
In the afternoon we held meeting with family of Ruphus McDade who invited us. One mile from Bro. Gordons.
Wednesday 18
Left Bro. Gordon's in the morning went 9 miles to Sister Robinson's. In the morning Sister (Robinson) mended my pants and coat. 9 mi.
Friday 19.
Went to Bro. Surratts 10 miles via of Gaffneys here I had 7 letters, 4 from my Wife one from M.E. Clark (Mary Elizabeth) & Ezra, Wm Elliott & J.L.H. Stayed all night Bro. Evan Watts. 10 (miles) (p.39)
Wrote to C.W. Richards & Wife. Dinner with Bro. E. Watts also stayed all night with family of Bro. Wm Watts with E. Jensen.
Saturday, 21
Went to P.O. by Alonzo Canty's where I found one letter from Wife and got 3 from office 2 from Alice and one from W. W. C. (Wilford Woodruff Clark). Had dinner with Bro. Canty. Stayed all night at Morgan Paris (friend) with E. Redd. 13 (miles)
Sunday 22.
No Sunday School on account of bad weather. Held meeting with Bro. Evan Watts. Stayed all night with Harrison Bright (friend).
Monday Jan. 23
Held Council Meeting---Elders Ferrin, Redd, Peck (,) Jensen & Clark. Partook sacrament. Each spoke. (p.40)
Wrote to Alice. Stayed all night with Bro. Evan Watts.
Tuesday 24
Wrote to Chas. R. Clark-dinner with Bro. E. Watts. Went two miles s.e. (southeast). Stayed all night with Bro. James Bolin on Mr. Harrison('s) Planatation. Administered to Bro. Bolin's little boy E. Peck & myself. 2 ½ (miles)
Wednesday 25.
Spent the day in reading and talking about the Gospel. Stayed all night.
Thursday 26.
Came up to Bro. Surratt here met Bro. Ferrin who has come from Mr. Blacks---had one letter from Alice. Had dinner with Bro. Evan Watts, also stayed all night. 2 ½ (miles)
Friday, January 27
Wrote to Alice and Dr. J. L. Hetzler. Went two miles north with Elder. (p.41)
Peck to the Shoemakers. The weather is warm here while at home they are having a hard winter & cold weather 15" below zero at Farmington. About noon (Elders Ferrin, Peck & myself) commenced work on a rock chimney to Bro. Surratt's house where we have meetings so we can have a fire during meeting. Ate dinner and stayed all night with Bro. Surratt. 4 (miles)
Saturday Jan. 28
Worked all day on the chimney mixing mud etc. Ate dinner and stayed all night with Bro. Surratt.
Sunday Jan. 29.
Held Sunday school and meeting at Bro. Surratts with large attendance. I spoke in Sunday S. Elders Ferrin & Peck in meeting. After dinner I went home with Bro. (Bolin) where I had (p.42) dinner and stayed all night. Administered to Sister Lanier who is staying with or near Bro. Bolin.
Monday Jan. 30
Came with Bro. Bolin to Bro. X and continued work on the chimney. (O)n our way we shook some locusts down from the tree and I enjoyed them very much. In the evening I left via. Mr. Black's for the P.O. (S)tayed all night with Bro. Davis Ayrs (Ayers) (On Mr. Black's plantation). 3 mi.
Tuesday-Jan. 30 (31 3 mi.
Left for P.O. early in morning sat porch of P.O. & wrote a letter to Parents. Then walked 5 miles to Bro. Surratts for dinner. After dinner Elder Peck & I went three miles to mill with grist on our backs. On the way the string of my sack broke & let (p.43) part of my corn on the ground & we had a picnic gathering & cleaning (sic) up the corn. Elder Ferrin & I went a short distance and spent the evening with Market Bridges, an old friend to the Elders, on account of his having company, we went and stayed all night with Bro. Surratt. 16 mi.
Wednesday-1 of Feb.
Completed the work on the chimney. Ate dinner at Bro. Surratt's. Stayed all night with Bro. Evan Watts.
Thursday Feb. 2
Half soled my boots & helped Bro. Surratt put a hearth in his fireplace. Ate dinner and stayed all night with Bro. Surratt.
Friday. Feb. (3) (p.44)
Feb. 3 In the morni8ng wrote a letter to my wife at Bro. E. Watts and went to P.O. 6 mi; rec(')d letter from Alice; went back to Bro. James Watt's (on Mr. Black's place) & took dinner. Here met Elders Ferrin and Peck who had stayed all night with Bro. Lee Linder. Stayed all night with Bro. Davis Ayers (on Black's). 9 mi.
Saturday 4.
Went to Bro. J. Watt's in morning met Elders Ferrin & Peck, and soon after Elders Redd and Jensen came from a journey down the country south of Cowpens. According to request of E. Ferrin (Pres) Elder Redd and I were to go and visit King's Mt. Branch in Cleveland Co. N>C. and on our way hold meeting at Hampton Robson's the next day. So I went to Bro. Bolin's (p.45)
Changed clothes (4 miles) while Elder Redd went to Bro. Surratts and met us at Bro. Bolin's. We took dinner and started at 3-40 arriving at H. Robinson abt. 5-40 where we stayed all night. 11 mi.
Sunday 5 11 mi.
Held meeting at 11-40 a.m. six members present. After dinner I carried Mrs. Phillips (Sister Robson's) mother a bucket of water who lives near by. She is an old lady. When she came to meeting she brought a bucket, so I carried it full of water back for her. She treated me very well. I ate dinner with her and stayed some time. This is the first time an Elder ate with her. At one time she threatened to throw hot water on the Elders for passing her door. Stayed all night with Sister Robson. (p.46)
-Monday 6-
In the morning Sister Robson mended my pants and at 9-30 a.m. went across Broad R. (river) 9 miles and took dinner and stayed all night with Bro. Saml. Gordon. (H)is wife and family have become friendly and are investigating. 9 mi.
Tuesday 7.
Left in morning and went 6 mi and spent the day, and stayed all night with Bro. Wm Weaver. Administered (his) to child which was having warm fits and it seemed better. 6 mi.
-Wednesday 8.-
Went to Bro. Wileys near Kings Mt and on the way went a mile out of the way & visited the monument situated on the hill where the tide of battle in the Revolution turned in favor of America. 5 miles-7. (p.47)
Took dinner with Bro. & Sister Wyley and after noon went two miles and stayed all night with Mr. & Mrs. L. Wilson ½ miles from Grover. In evening E. Redd & I explained the principles of the Gospel to them in connection with a Mrs. Starns who came to visit, there, soon after we arrived. She had heard a great many tales about the "Awful Mormons" and when she found that we were Elders she wished she had not come. She afterwards found (we) were perfectly harmless, and accepted a tract and invited us to call and visit her.
Thursday 9.
In the morning went to Brother Moses Gordon's 4 ½ mi spent the day and stayed (p.48) all night with them. 4 ½ mi
-Friday 10-
Went one mile to See Mr. & Mrs. Patterson and to Bro Jno Gordon's & took dinner with him. After dinner we went on to Bro. & Sister Jno. Goins+ 9 mi. (S)tayed all night. 9 mi.
After dinner-Elder Redd & I administered to Dortha-the daughter and then went 6 mi and stayed all night with Bro. Jno Gordon where we hold meetings. 6- (miles)
Sunday 12.
Held meeting at 10 a.m. Ate dinner with Bro. Gorden. Spent evening and stayed all night with Mr. & Mrs. Patterson-2 mi.
Monday 13
Took dinner with Bro. Moses M. Gordon. Stayed all night with (p.49) Mrs. Turner.---3 mi.
Tuesday 14.
In morning went and spent day with Bro. Saml Gordon. Held meeting with the family at night. Mrs. Gordon's sister (Bobbi) and her father were also present. We both spoke for ½ an hr. each. 5 miles
Wednesday 15
Left in the morning. (A)s we (were) going along the track I sat upon a piece of timber and wrote a note to Alice & inclosede (sic) it in Mary Elizabeth's letter; went across Broad River & called at Sister Robson's. She was away from home, so Elder Redd displayed his ability in getting dinner. We then went, by way of Gaffney to Bro. James Bolin & stayed all night. 18 miles. (p.50)
Thursday 16.
Went to Bro. Surratts in morn and met the Elders. Two new Elders, Lehi Jones Cedar City, Iron Co. Utah & G.E. Burgess, Pine Valley, Washington Co. Utah. Elder Redd & I ate dinner with Mr. & Sister Bright. After dinner all of us went & administered to Mrs. H. Bright who was very sick. Seemed better and at night sent for Elders again. Elder Burgess & I, as the other Elders were away, went & administered to her again. Stayed all night with Bro. Surratt. 3 miles.
Friday 17.
Wrote letter to wife and posted my Journal. Took dinner with Bro. Evan Watts. Elder Jones and I stayed all night with Mr. Morgan Paris near Bro. Surratt's. (p.51)
Saturday 18, 88
Elder Ferrin & Redd went to P.O. Jones & I went to Bro. Jas. Watts near Black's had a bath etc.: here met Elder Jensen & Peck who had been down the country a few miles holding meeting & also back to Bro. Surratt's. We all were called to go and administer to Mrs. Harrison Bright who would be baptized if her husband would consent. We administered to her and she seemed some better. The next day Mr. Bright went for a doctor, but she refused to take his medicine. She was afterwards administered to & got better very soon. Mr. Bright said, while she as sick, he would consent (p.52) to her baptism. Then went to singing school. E. Peck & I stayed all night at Mr. (H) Bright. 7 miles. Elder Ferrin & Bing(h)am are released.
Sunday Feb. 19
Held S. S. & meeting Elders present+ Ferrin, Redd, Peck, Jensen Clark and Jones & Burgess. After meeting Elder Burgess & I went home with Bro. James Bolin and spent the night. 2 ½ miles.
-Monday 20-
Went to Bro. Surratt's in morning. Wrote to Hyrum. Wilford & E. S. Cotton. On account of E. Ferrin & Bingham being released from their missions two new elders, Jones & Burgess were sent to the conference. Elder Alonzo J. Stookey & H.J. Humphrys traveling in new field. Elder S (Stookey) called to the office at Chattanooga to assist Pres Spry who (p.53) presides over the mission as Bro Jno Morgan has been released. Elder H. follows E. Ferrin in presiding over conference. Spent night with Mr. C. Bright. 3 miles
Tuesday 21.
After breakfast went headquarters. All Elders present at Council Meeting-partook of the Sacrament & all spoke. E. Wm. A. Redd was app to go and take Elder Stookey's place and remain a short time with Elder Humphreys and another Elder will be sent from the office to join E. Redd.
I was appointed to take Elder P. P. Bingham's place & join E. Johnson in Catawba Nation 70 miles east (100 by rail). Elders Ferrin, Redd & I made preparations to go to Spartansburg City (p.54) and buy some clothing etc. etc. (sic) Went and spent night with Mr. And Sister Henderson 3 miles from Cowpens. On leaving Mr. Blacks was called back ¾ mile and pulled tooth for Mrs. Black. 9 miles.
Wednesday 22. 1888---
Rose at 2 a.m. Sister Blackwood got us an early breakfast & we went and took train about 5 a.m. Arrived at Spartanburg City after a ride of 10 miles before day.
Bought summer clothes, shoes, penholders etc. Had a nice dinner in restaurent (sic) for 25 cents.
In afternoon E. Redd & I returned to Cowpens and after walking 7 ½ miles & spent night with James Watts. At Spartanburg Elder Ferrin went the other way (west to Oconee Co., to visit Saints, and (p.55) as E. Redd would leave for new field before he returned, they bid each other good bye never more to meet in the Sunny South. 13 miles
Thursday 23
Ate breakfast with Sister Taylor George and accompanied E. Redd to Bro. Surratts' and made preparations to leave for Catawba Nation. Put tack in bottom of my shoes. Stayed all night with Bro. Surratt. 3 miles
Friday 24
Wrote letter in morning and at 11 a.m. bid Elders and Saints adieu, and went in a heavy rain to Gaffney's Station, stopped by the way, to Bro. James Bolin and ate dinner & got my clothing which Sister Bolin washed & then took train at Gaffneys at (p.56) 4-30 p.m. arriving at (50mi) Charlotte in evening. Stayed all night at Snyder House. 7 miles.
Saturday 25
Spent some time in morning in drying my shoes which I got wet previous day. The train was to leave at 1 p.m. so I went and took a view of the City. Contains 15,000 inhabitants one of the best looking cities I had seen in states. There are several nice houses, stores & churches. On one of the most elevated and central parts of the city stands an iron cistern, or tank about 20 feet in diamater (sic) & 130 in height. This is kept full of water to be used with engine in case of fire.
Train 1 hr late. Left at 2 p.m. & arrived in R. H. (25 mi) about 3 p.m. Left for Nationa 10 miles; got off the road and walked two or three extra miles arriving (p.57) in Nation at 8 p.m. Stayed all night with Bro. Alonzo Canty & James Harris who are living together. Here I met & stayed all night with Elders P.P. Bingham of Wilson, Utah. 13 miles
Sunday 26
In morning met Elders Jos H Johnson of Johnson, Utah my intended companion. H(e is a) young man aged 21 years old who came to mission one mo before myself. Held S.S. & meeting in a log house with good attendance. Spoke at each place. Elder J and I went home and spent night with Bro. Wm T Ivey. Wrote letter to Wife. 3 miles
Monday 27.
Met Elder Bingham and we (p.58) crossed the Catawba or Pedee R. in a batto or small boat and went three miles up the R & had dinner with his mother. (C)ame back after dinner to Bro. Wm. Whitesides one mile from the ford and stayed all night (a)nd ate for supper some cat fish which were very nice. 7 ½ miles.
Tuesday 28.
Came back to Nation ate dinner with Mr. Louis Gordon, his wife belongs to Church. Supper with Bro. James Harris. Attended singing in the evening. Spent night with Mr. Ballard a friend was treated very kindly and slept for the first time under (upon?) a feather bed. 4 miles
Wednesday 29
Wrote references in Bible took dinner with Mr. Ballard. E. Johnson (p.59)
And I spent the night with Sister Sarah Harris & son. 1 mi
Thursday 1 March.
Went to R. L. Harris. I spent the forenoon writing references in my Bible. After dinner E> Bingam cut my hair. Supper with (Bro) W> T. Ivey after which we went and spent evening with Mr. Ballad, close by, when Elder J. & I stayed all night. 1 mi
Friday March 2
After breakfast we went to Bro. Ivey's, posted journal, wrote to Robt. Skelton. Ate dinner with Bro. Ivey also supper and went to testimony (sic) meeting.
Went to stay all night with Bro. R. L. Harris. Heard a false report that a mob of 16 men were in the Nation so as to be on the safe side E. B. & I went with bed (p.60) & stayed in the woods. Elder J. stayed with W. T. Ivey.
Saturday Mar 3. 1888
Spent most of the day with R L Harris. After dinner went to Bro. Jas. Harris and had bath etc. During the day one or two strange men were seen I Nation, we thought perhaps to see where (we) were going to stay all night; so we crossed river stayed all night with Bro. Wm W. Whitesides. 2 ½ miles.
Sunday Mar 4.
Crossed river again to S. S. & spoke in meeting. All day fast. Stayed all night with Bro. Geo. Canty. 1 mi
Monday 5
We Elders and few Saints fixed up an old building to hold S. S. (p.61)meeting in. Had been holding meeting in a private house. Ate dinner with Sister Sarah Harris. Ate supper with Bros Canty & Harris. Stayed all night with W T Ivey. Wrote to C. R. Savage and Wife. 2 miles.
Tuesday March 6-
In morning Bro. Ivey & I went to Rock Hill as Elder Ferrin was coming over from Spartanburg County to join E. Bingham and bid farewell to all, here. I got my shoes mended. Returned to Nationl. Ate supper with Bros Harris & Canty---went to Singing at which E. Ferrin occupied part of the time in speaking to Saints. Stayed all night with Bro. R. L. Harris. 19 miles (p.62)
Wednesday 7
Met E. Ferrin and Bingham in morning; crossed river and ate dinner with Bro. Wm H Whitesides. E. F & B went on to Union Co. to bid friends & saints adieu. Elder J & I stayed all night with Bro. Whitesides. During day went to river and saw baskets used in catching fish. 2 ½ (miles)
Thursday 8
Wrote to parents and J. L. Hetzler. Crossed river and ate dinner with Sister Tims. Stayed all night with Bro. Wm George. 3 miles
Friday 9 1888.
After breakfast went to Sister Tims. Elder J. wrote a letter for Sister H. Harris. Ate dinner. I worte to C. R. C3. & wife. Testamony (sic) meeting. Spent eve. Saturday 10 =W.T. Ivey. 2mi
Elder J & I cleaned out the School House. (p.63) Took dinner with Bros Harris & Canty. Spent night with R. L. Harris. 1 ½ mi
Sunday 11-
Held S. S. and meeting at uasual (sic) time. E. Ferrin, Bingham, Johnson & Clark present. E. Ferrin spoke in S. S. Elders F. (,) C. & B. in meeting. Elders F. & B. spoke their farewell sermon. We all took dinner with Bro. Wm George supper at Sarah Harris---spent eve together at R. L. Harris. E. J & I spent night with Bro. Jno. Sanders. 2 miles
Monday 12. 1888-
Met Elders Ferrin & Bingham in morning and they made preparations to leave. All ate dinner with Bro Geo Cantys where several of the Saints had gathered (p.64) to bid them adieu. After their bidding good bye etc. (E)lder J. & I went with them to see them off. Went to Bro. Thos. Harris' 4 mi from Rock Hill as they did not have very many accommodations for so many of us. E. Ferrin & I went to a house by & asked if we could be acmmoded (sic) there. The man of the house had gone to bed and received no, for answer, knowing who we were. We all four slept in one bed on floor and got along all right. 5 miles
Tuesday 13
The next morning we journeyed on with them stayed a short time in Rock Hill. E. Ferrin left his umbrella in P.O. & in a few moments went & found it had taken its departure. (p.65)
Went on their way 3 miles past R. H. Here we held Council Meeting. Each spoke and rec'd instructions from E. Ferrin. We then gave them the parting hand. Returned to R. H. Had lunch, wrote to wife & after mail came in we returned to the Nation ate supper at Geo Canty's-went to singing and stayed all night with John Sanders. 19 miles-
Wednesday, 14
Helped Bro. Sanders in morning saw and split wood to build his chimney higher. Ate dinner at R. L. Harris. Spent night with Mr. Ballad. 1 ½ (miles)
Thursday, 15
Spent day and night with Wm T Ivey. Read testament. Talked E. J. abt Young Ladies. (p.66)
Friday, 16-
Went to Bro. Harris & Cantys in morning. Rec'd letters from Robt. Skelton an interesting one from Wife and Joseph S. Clark. Spent the whole day and night with Harris & Canty. Went to testimony (sic) meeting in evening. Pulled two teeth in afternoon. 1 ½ miles
Saturday, 17.
Went & cut wood for schoolhouse-posted Journal at R. L. Harris where we took dinner. Spent the night with Bro. Geo. Canty.
Sunday 18-
I was requested to take charge of the Sunday School also held meeting and spoke at each. Went home with R. L. Harris where we spent the night. (p.67)
Monday 19-1888
Read in Testament. Ate dinner with Sister Wiley. Stayed all night with Mr. Ballard and was treated fine. 2 mi
Tuesday 20.
Elder J. and I started to R. H. to P.O. Stopped about half way and took dinner with Bro. Thos. Harris & wrote a letter to Robt. Skelton. Rec'd letter from wife desiring a new name, which I answered. Came back and spent the night with Bro. Harris. 14 mi.
Wednesday 21.
Went to Nation in morning. Took dinner with Sister Ann Tims. After dinner we met with the children and taught them their letters-how to read etc. (a)fter which I wrote aletter for Sister Rachel Harris. Then cross (p.68) Catawba River on way for Union Co to visit saints and friends there. Stayed all night with Bro Whitesides. 6 miles.
Thursday 22, 1888-
In morning started on our way for Union Co. After going two miles we came to 12 mi. creek which on account of such much rain was so high we could not cross withought (sic) going up the creek two miles so we returned to Bro. Whitesides and spent remainder of the day and night. 4 mi
Friday 22…..(23)
After breakfast we started again on our journey. Went two miles extra & crossed bridge all right. Had successful journey. Before arriving at our destination we sat on a log near Walkerville P.O. and wrote a letter to our Better halves. (p.69)
Arrived at Sally Jant & Rebecca Backer's at 3-30 p.m. These are two sisters who are widows and are and have been very true friends to the Elders. We had dinner & supper together. Here we spent the night. (17 miles)
-Saturday 24-
Remained here until after dinner reading and chatting. Aunt Sally gave me $20.00 of the Confederate Money as a relic and a rosed (sic) which had been pressed. Was treated very kind. After dinner we went and stayed (1 mile) with Bro. Bigham & family. 2 mi
Sunday 25
Spent the forenoon in singing and reading. After dinner two lady visitors came in and had a good look at Elders for the first time but nothing much to say.
In evening we went north (p.70) a short distance and visited a good friend by the name of McMinice. In evening besides the family several young people came in to hear us sing as they liked to hear the Elders sing who had been here before. We sang to them a while and then I asked the man if it was intended that we should speak to them, who answered that he would leave that to us, so we held meeting at which each spoke. After which the man of the house and the young people sang. Spent night & was treated very kindly & asked to come again.
Monday March 26. 1888-
After breakfast we went and spent a short time with a young lady, according to request, (rec'd) the night previous by the name of Miss Ferguson. (p.71)
Went and took dinner with John Bigham, Bro. Bigham's son-in-Law a friend where the Elders first stayed when they came in here. We then proceeded to go and visit other friends but as we could not get across the branch we returned and had supper and spent evening. Then went and stayed all night with Bro. & Sister Bigham. 2 mi.
Tuesday 27
In morning we crossed branch went about 3 miles east called on a friend by name Mr. McNuley who is a very well read gentleman. He is and has been a good friend to the Elders. Had conversation upon different inventions and science, and for our religion. Poligamy (sic) seems to be stumb(p.72)ling block for both him and his wife. Spoke of the man who is trying to work a plan to make it rain on desserts (sic) & a scientist who predicts another Deluge in the 8th thousand year. While talking on matters of religion a visitor was in his house and when he heard me say we were anxious to get to preach he called Mr. McNuley out and told him to bring us down to his house in the evening. Some time after supper we went down to the man's house and we held meeting & each spoke. I answered the question What for and why do we have Temples. After meeting we went back to Mr. McNuley and spent the night. 3 miles (p.73)
After breakfast we went to Mr. H. Baker's and took dinner after which we intended to start back for the Nation, but as it was raining so hard we stayed all night. The two sons played on the fiddler and Elder Johnson on the accordion-was treated very well. 1 mi.
Thursday 29.
After breakfast we intended to start off; went to bid Salley Johant & Reb. Baker Go(o)d-bye & as it was raining so very hard it was not hard to get us to stay over another day. Wrote a letter for them to Elder Alonzo J. Stookey, Chattanooga, Tennessee, and had conversation. Had a fine bed (p.74) to sleep in which was enjoyed.
E. Johnson & I left in company with Wm. T Ivey for Nation taking some biscuits in our pockets. Posted a letter at Walkersville P.O. for Alice my wife. Came to Catawba River about 4 oclock in afternoon. The three days (of) almost steady rain made the river rise away beyond its banks but we went and hollowed (hollered) and two young men came over and got us and we had a nice ride as we had to start across away above the ford in order to make our landing place.
Met with quite a large number of the saints on the edge of the high waters. We went to Bro. Canty's & Harris' and rec(')d letters (p.75) from Mary Elizabeth & Father (,) W A Redd (,) E. Ferren and a card from Sister Smithy. Here rec'd word to the effect that I was Daddy Clark which was thankfully received. Mother and son were doing well. Took supper with and spent the night with Bros. Canty & Harris.
There were two persons from here expecting to start next Sunday with a company of emigrants but in the letter from Elder Ferrin I was informed that no arrangements had been made (except) for sending only Tersey Patterson but if farther (sic) instructions should reach him from Pres. Spry he would send telegram, and requested me to be at R. H. 17 mi.
Saturday 31-
After breakfast I went (p.76) to Rock Hill but no news came for Henryett Canty to go to Zion. I wrote a letter to my wife-returned and stayed all night with Harris & Canty. 18 miles.
3 Charles Rich Clark.
Sunday April 1.
Went to S. S. in morning after which I went to James Harris and had dinner and went to R. H. to go as far as Charlotte (North Carolina) with Tersey Patterson to see her off all right. Started from Rock Hill abt. 5 p.m. arrived at Charlotte abt. 6 p.m. Put up a(t) Snyder House and I went and looked around the town and about seven the sounds of more than half a dozen Church bells warning people of meeting. I attend the 2nd Presybterian Church occupying seat in gallery directly opposite the minister. (p.77)
The singing (or music) was excellent. The choir sang twice, the minister offered prayer and read portion of a chapter from which he took text. Singing. For text he took II Cor. 5:11 & went on and showed how the terror of the Lord is manifested on ocean by storms or ship (w)recks; on the earth by eruptions & quakings and reffered (sic) to the sky as being the home of the terrible cyclones.
He told his audience they were not worshiping the right God hence, said in you are Idoliters (sic). 11 mi
Monday 2
Went and looked around the town for some time in the morning and bought collar (p.78) tie, etc. After lunch I went and bought tickets and had quite a time changing money & it was not until (sic) a few minutes before the train started that I arranged everything. I returned to Rock Hill and rec'd word that Alice & babe were still doing still doing well.4 Arriving at Nation just in time to escape a heavy thunderstorm. Found Elder Johnson at Sister Mary Harris where we spent the night. 10 mi.
Tuesday 3-
Pulled a tooth for Sister Jno Sanders in morning. Dinner at Sister Ann Tims. At 2 p.m. met with the children to teach them again. Spent night with Bro. Geo. Canty. (p.79)
Wednesday 4
Spent day & night with Bro. Wm T Ivey. (W)rote to Parents (and) J. S. Clark & wife. 1 mi.
Thursday 5-
Went to Sister Ann Tims and spent forenoon & had dinner-wrote to W. A. Redd & Eddy & Wealthy. Went and spent the night with Bro Wm George. 2 mi
-Friday 6-
Read in D & C. Took dinner with Sister John Sanders and met with the children in the afternoon teaching them the rudiments of education. Elder Johnson went to P.O. to post 5 for me & 4 letters for himself. Rec'd letters from C. R. Savage and wife to which I answered. (p.80) Crossed the river and stayed all night with Bro. Wm Whitesides (2 miles.)
-Saturday 7, 1888-
Came across river in the afternoon and Elder J. and I had a fine swim in the river. Spent night with Bro John Sanders.
-Sunday-8.-2 mi.
Had a good S. S. and meeting. Spoke at meeting. Dinner at Jno. Sanders and spent night with R. L. Harris.
Monday 9.
Spent most of the day with Sister Mary Ann Tims-wrote to T.B.C. Spent night with Bros. Harris and Canty.
Tuesday 10.
Spent forenoon with Bros Harris & Canty. Dinner at Sister Sarah Harris' spent night with Mr. Benj. Ballard and was treated (p.81) well. 1 mi.
Wednesday 11
Spent part of the forenoon explaining the Gospel to him. Had conversation after dinner. Spent night with Wm. T. Ivey.
Thursday 12
Read pamplet in forenoon. Dinner at Bro. Harris & Canty. Read Testament in afternoon and crossed river and stayed all night with Bro. Whiteside. 2 mi
Friday 13
Crossed river in the morning or rather afternoon, after waiting 3 hrs for the ferryman. Met with the children in the afternoon. Supper with Sister Jno. Sanders. Stayed all night in a house. 2 mies
Saturday 14
Ate breakfast at Bro. Geo Canty's. (p.82) Wrote to wife went to P.O. and back after 11 .am. eating lunch at Bros. Harris' & Canty's. 18 miles.
Sunday 15-
Met with well attended S. S. & meeting-spoke in latter. Ate dinner and spent night with John Sanders. Esq.
Monday 16 1888
Wrote a letter of three pages to Wm Elliott, Rochester, Minn. In answer to "Self Contradictions" etc. and one to Joseph Thorup for Alonzo Canty. Spent night with Bros. Harris and Canty.
Tuesday 17.
Spent part of the day and had dinner with sister Martha H. Tims. Met in afternoon with the children. Posted Journal and wrote to my companion. (p.83)
Wednesday 18
Elder J. went to P.O. Rec'd the News containing the Conference minutes. We spent the night with Sister Sarah Harris & Son.
Thursday 19.
Had a good time reading the News. Called to see Sister Elizabeth Harris but she was not at home. Crossed the river in the evening and spent the night with Bro. Wm Whitesides. 2 mi.
Friday 20
Crossed river again in the morning went and spent the forenoon and took dinner with Sister Ann Tims. Elder J. wrote a letter for her and I wrote to Elder M. D. Ferrin. At 2 p.m. we met with the children and taught them. 2 mi Spent night with Bro. R. L. Harris (p.84)
-Saturday 21-1888
Spent forenoon in reading etc. Took dinner and spent the night with Bros. Harris and Canty. Went to singing in the evening.
Sunday 22.
Had a good S.S. and meeting in the school-house. Spoke at each. Five were present who had never heard and (sic) Elder speak before; issued three tracts at their request. Took dinner and spent the night with Bro. John Sanders.
-Monday 23. 1888-
Spent the forenoon with Sister Jno. Sanders reading Testament, when we had dinner. Read newspaper and spent night with Mr. Benj. Ballard. (W)es (sic) treated fine. 1 mi. (p.85)
-Tuesday 24. 1888-
Elder Johnson and I went into the field where Mr. Ballard & two sons were planting cotton. I took a mule and opened furrows, the seed being dropped by one following. E. Johnson followed with the other animal covering the seed over with a wooden impliment (sic).
After taking dinner we met with the children at 2 p.m. Spent the night with Bros. Wm. George. 2 miles.
Wednesday 25.
In the morning we started to go and visit some saints living 8 miles up and on the opposite side of the river, Bro. John Brown accompanying us. Crossed river at Mr. Braidy's ferry. (p.86) (O)n arriving we took dinner with Mr. Wyley his wife being a Mormon, and moved up there from the Nation. Went to a store, close by got some paper and wrote to wife. Spent night with Mr. Wyley. 8 miles
Thursday 26.
In forenoon wrote a letter for Sister Wyley. Dinner at her daughters Sister Sarah Gordon. On returning to Nation stopped at Belair P.O. and called and saw Mrs. Ivey a few minutes. Crossed at Nat. Ferry to get letters but none came. Crossed river again and spent the night with Bro. Wm Whitesides. 8 miles
Friday 27.
Crossed river in the morning & went went from house to house via the trails trying to find the woman. (p.87) that brought the mail. Rec'd letters from Robt. Skelton and my Wife. The baby had been sick and she was not feeling very well. Took dinner with Sister Elizabeth Harris. In evening two letter came for Elder J. one from E. Humpherys, and one from his wife unfolding the news that he was Father of a fine daughter. Folks all doing well.
Saturday 28.
Took dinner with Bro. Wm. George. At 2 p.m. Gus Harris and Johnny George being eight years old were baptized by Elder J and he confirmed one and I the other. Quite a large crowd of people were present.
Spent the night with Bros. Harris and Canty. 2 mi. (p.88)
Sunday 29.
Sunday School at 10 a.m at which I spoke. (G)ood attendance. Ate dinner with Bro. John Sanders. The meeting at 2 p.m. was well attended. Four or five were present and several colored men who could not get in the small house. We both spoke to the meeting.
Wrote a letter to Parents and one to Jas. Patterson for Alonzo Canty. Spent the night with Bro. R. L. Harris.
-Monday 30-
Wrote a letter to Pres. Humpherys. Wnt to P.O. and rec'd a letter from Wm. Redd Stating that an E. in some part of the Mission preached a sermon to a mob with a rope around his neck over a tree when the mob took off the rope and sneaked away leaving the E. preaching. (p.89)5
4 Amasa's wife Alice had her second child, Amasa Sterling Clark, on March 19, 1888, two week's previous. Amasa and Alice's first child, Alice Maude Clark, was born on October 28, 1886, and died on July 1, 1887 just four months prior to Amasa leaving on his mission.
5 Timothy Baldwin Clark
White at Rock Hill I wrote a letter to Wife.
Stayed all night with Bro. Thos. Harris three miles from R.H. 12 mi.
Tuesday 1st May
Had some nice sweet potatoes for breakfast and dinner which were a rarity. After dinner I went to the Nation and met with the children at 2 p.m. E. Johnson returned to R. H. to see if there was any mail but he received none. Spent the night with Bros. Harris & Canty. 7 miles.
Wednesday 2.
Posted Journal at R. L. Harris and read Testament. After dinner, spent the night with Sister Sarah Harris and son. (p.90)
Thursday 3.
Spent most of the forenoon at Sister Harris'. Took dinner with Mr. And Sister Gordon who were living near by. Spent the night with Mr. Benj. Ballard with good treatment. 2 mi.
Friday 4.
Helped John Ballard (son) plant a melon patch. After dinner wrote a letter to Father and Mother-in-law. Forgot our meeting with the children at 2 p.m., thinking it was Thursday. We had that Miss. Smith (widow) living close by who has been opposed to us now desires to hear us preach. Spent the night with Bro. Geo. Canty. 1mi.
-Saturday 5-
We worked most of the day & finished Sister Sarah Harris' porch where we ate dinner.(p.91) Spent the night with Bro. Jno. Sanders.
Sunday-6. 1888.
Held S.S. in Nation at 10 a.m. Meeting at 2 p.m. at which E. Johnson and self spoke. Took dinner with Bro. R. L. Harris. Spent night with Bro. James Harris.
Monday 7.
We started for Union Co. Had some difficulty in crossing the river, waiting for the batto which was in use down the river a short distance. Crossing the river we took dinner with Bro. Wm Whiteside and at 1-30 we continued our journey, and after 3 ½ hours of pleasant walking we arrived at Mr. McMinice. He was away from home but was to arrive soon. While sitting wait(p.92)ing on the porch, (a) large man came and took a seat near by. After asking if we strangers I informed him who we were. He said they had no use for Mormons in their country. I spoke of our misrepresentation. He then commenced (sic) on the chorus (polygamy) (sic), but it only took a little defense of that principle until he was gone. Had a pleasant time in remaining all night with Mc. 12 miles.
Tuesday 8, 1888.
After breakfast we went down ½ mile and spent the day and night with Bro. Bigham.
Wednesday 9.
We appointed meeting at Bro. Bigham's Saturday at 10 a.m. On our way over to Aunt Sally Ghent and Rebecca Baker's we called and (p.93) notified a family of the meeting. We took dinner and stayed all night with them. 2 mi.
Thursday 10, 1888.
In the forenoon I wrote a letter for Aunt Salley to A. J. Stookey & E Johnson wrote another for her. After dinner I wrote to wife and went and spent the night with Alexander Baker.
Friday 11.
We called on Mr. McNuley in the forenoon remaining until after dinner and had a pleasant time. Left for Sister Bighams called by the way and bid (A)unt Sally and Rebecca good bye and to the P.O. posted our letters, arriving at Bro. Bighams in the evening where we spent the night. 6 miles. (p.94)
Saturday 12.
Commenced our meeting at 10:45 a.m. with three members besides the family. Aunt Salley Rebecca and Mr. Baker. We both spoke on the First Principles (etc). Took dinner with Mr. John Bigham. Started for the Nation at 1-30 p.m. When we started it was very hot, in about an hour it commenced raining very hard and we got a good soaking, wading branches etc. but we rejoiset (sic) on our journey. Arrived at Brother Whiteside 6 p.m. where we spent night. 14 mi.
Sunday 13.
In morning we went down to the river to cross but the batto was gone. (W)e therefore had to go up the river about a mile and cross at Mr. Braidy's Ferry. River was high & in crossing we went down some. We arrived at the School House some time after S. S. was taken up. (p.95)
Took dinner with Bro. Jno Sanders. Meeting at 2 p.m. I & E. Johnson spoke. There was a colored Baptist Minister present who was pleased with what he heard. He seemed to think that our belief was the same as his. While talking after meetings, the subject of the Thief on the cross came up. I asked him to explain I Peter 4: (6) 18, 19, 20. After pausing he said he had come for information. Preaching to the Spirits seemed a new thing to him, and he said he was quite unlearned only having been a preacher for fourteen years. Stayed all night with Alonzo Canty. Letter from E. B. & wife. 3 mi.
Monday 14.
Helped Bro. Canty plant a melon patch. After dinner Elder J. & I took a bath in a creek near by. Spent the night with R. L. Harris. Rec'd letter from F. D. Steed & wife. (p.96)
Tuesday 15.
Posted Journal in forenoon. Took dinner with Sister Ann Tims. (M)et with children at 2 p.m. Spent the night with Bro. Wm George. 1 mi
Wednesday 16.
Wrote a letter to my wife also to James Loynd. Elder J. and self administered to Sister George. Took dinner with Sister Sarah Harris and spent the night with Bro. Geo. Canty.
Thursday 17
Took dinner with Sister Elizabeth. Read a lecture given by Bro. J E Taylor on Priesthood. Rec (')d letters from John L. Hetzler Dr. & Mrs. C.R. Clark.
Spent night with Bro. James Harris.