December 31, 1969
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Kimball Clark
He was a returning missionary.
John W. Berry Company (1858)
Approximate age at departure: 34
Bullock, Thomas, Journal, 1858 May-June.
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Source Location
Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Bullock, Thomas, to Brigham Young, 26 June 1858, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 36, box 26, fd. 5.
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Source Location
Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Coombs, Isaiah Moses, Diary, in Isaiah Moses Coombs, Collection 1835-1938, reel 1, box 1, fd. 3, vol. 8, 16-66.
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Source Location
Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Goddard, George, Journal, in George Goddard, Papers 1855-1899, reel 1, box 1, fd. 2.
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Source Location
Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Jenson, Andrew, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia [1971], 3:343-4.
Source Location
Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Journal History, 21 June 1858, p. 32
Missionary Record Index
New FamilySearch/Family Tree
Source Location
Internet Web Site
Welchman, Arthur P., Reminiscences and diary, [ca.1854-1917], fd. 1, 93-94.
Trail Excerpt
Source Location
Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah