Beyrout, Syria.
May 29", 1894
Dear Mother;
Yours of Mayday evening was prompt in arriving. You were very self-denying in remaining from the concert as seldom as you go out; but that is just like a mother, my mother anyhow. It does not seem that I am so far away, you said; neither does it to me: after I got through travelling I thought;"Well, we're on the same planet." Your letter was 26 days in getting here, that was doing very well. As you say news have ceased to be news when I get your letters, but they have to serve as news and the more the better. I did not have to waste energy in bringing to remembrance Laura's laugh, over her letter; was able by my imagination to make it quite present. (You asked me if the people are kind hearted; and if the women are kind and obliging. I haven't found that out; the latter, they go about very dignified with their faces behind their vails and won't even look at me-unless they do it through their thick vails. The Mohammedans as a people are very jealous of their homes, I understand. But I have had occasion to mingle with the men considerable and find them very good hearted and some of them are educated and refined. But the more intelligent of the Syrians Arabs of the part have repented (worldly repented) of their Mohammedan ways and embraced Christianity. I have only been speaking of the Arabs of Beyrout. I suppose to get out from the principal towns on to the desert one finds them some what different. They are very respectful around foreigners and are fast accepting and adopting foreign ways and customs. Beyrout being on the coast there are many foreigners, tourists that stop off here; and besides there have may settled here. This is the most European like town in Asia. I hear so many strange languages that it is a treat to hear "United States" or English spoken. There is an English family living across the way. It is quite entertaining to hear the lady talk, such a musical and refined tone, and she reminds me so much of Grew's folks. Foreigners are all as distant with each other, it seems to me, as the foreigners and the nationals are. About the glasses, do not bother about them. I will see if I can find some here like them. And if I cannot get along without them I can get some other kind though unless it is an expensive glass one cannot get suited (at least I don't