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Laura Clark Cook

"Maurine dear would you mind if I didn't stay with you very long?" and she said, "No mother if you feel that way," I said, "Then come with me over to the ticket window to see if I can get a reservation," I already had my ticket. When I got to the window, the man was very indignant, he said, "Why lady don't you realize that there is a war! That the widows and the children have to travel on the trains. You can't have a ticket for probably for a year!" I felt very sad about this, but in the middle of the night early morning, I was awakened by a voice which said "If you go over there today at the ticket window there will be a ticket for you". That morning, when I heard Albert up in the morning getting his breakfast, I went out and said, "Albert could you be home to take me to the train today?" he says, "Well mother you have no ticket, you can't go." I said, "Yes there will be a ticket, if we go over to that ticket window today, there will be a ticket there for me". He said, "Yes I'll take you over there to see if there's a ticket". The minute that we went to the window, the same gentleman came to the window and said, "Yes there's a ticket, there's been a cancellation". Now that was the Holy Ghost that helped me to get a ticket to get home, so you see that I was prompted by the Holy Ghost.

Keith What did you do during the war?

Laura Well, I was a minute woman, and I did quite a lot of helping people and answering phones. Things that were needed. I was living in the Capital Hill Ward at that time. 

Keith How did you meet your third husband?

Laura I met George E. Cook through LaRue and Grant Bowen, her second husband. After getting acquainted with Mr. Cook, he asked me if I would marry him. He had a nice home up here, he brought me up to see his hime and told me that his wife had died two years before, and that he wanted to live in this home if I would share it with him. This little home, the number is 1368 Harrison Avenue. We had some very nice times traveling. We went to New York with Clark and his wife in a car, then we also went to California to see the Rose Parade with Norma and Ray. George Cook always had a new car every year, and we used his car to go to California to see the Rose Parade.