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terrible cough. She has been doctoring with a doctor in Joliet he said it was an affection of the throut that it have not reached her lungs.. George Sisson was not satisfied with his treatment and he has gone to Chicago with her they have been gone three or four days. I shall look for them back tomorrow if she does not receive any benefit Barrett is very anxious that she should cross the plains but it seems to me like a hard trip for one out of health it seems to me that she must be cured but God only knows..I do not know why we do not hear any thing from Brother William he wrote a line or two the

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next day after poor Mary died and that is the last we have heard from him. Poor man his cup is filled and it is all bitter mys.. William Cooper is here from Cal on a trip for his health, has been here about four weeks and he thinks his health is improving.. he didi not know where to go to find you but he will stop and see you on his return. he is a nice boy for a young boy like him I think ever so much of him.. that young lady that was sick at the hotel is still alive but dying wasting away..I understand that Geo Clarks wife has applied for a divorce Barret has gone to Joliet to attend to that same old suit and I am in the store and