Table of Contents
Map...Georgetown Valley-11
Twin Creeks...(Three Creeks)-12
Picture-Twin Creeks (Georgetown Id)-13
Tolo's Fork-14
History...Beginning 'Twin Creeks' (Georgetown Id)-15
Picture...Getting Wood-21
Poem...'Fetching Wood' By Lapriel Dunford-22
Hand Spike Hollow...Pic...Joe Bee Saw Mill-23
'The Old Wood Stove' (Poem) By Clara Porter Hoff Smith-24
'The Pioneers' (poem) By Clara Porter Hoff Smith-26
Music (Esto Perpetua - Mayest Thou Endure Forever)-27
Map of Georgetown Bear Lake County, Idaho. -29
Volume I
Section 'A' Map and Houses... A, A-1, TO A-15(2) The part of town with houses and buildings built from 1869 to 1950 including people and information...
-80- Pages
Section 'B' Map and Houses... B, B-1 to B-16 (1) The part of town with houses and buildings built from 1869 to 1950 including people and information...
-91- Pages
Section 'C' Map and Houses... C, C-1 to C-10 (2) The part of town with houses and buildings built from 1869 to 1950 including people and information...
-51- Pages