"They left Chicago last Saturday afternoon and arrived at Wasatch on Tuesday afternoon, having been three days and three hours, accomplishing the journey.
The remains of Bro. Ezra J. will be interred at Farmington on Sunday next," the April 23, 1969, Deseret Evening News reported.
When Ezra Thompson brought back his son, they kept the casket in the barn prior to holding a funeral service in his behalf. Funeral services for EJ were held on April 30, 1869, on a Sunday afternoon, and speakers included his Uncle Edward Stevenson, his former mission president N.H. Felt, Nathan T. Porter, and Bishop Hess.
His coffin was carried into the meetinghouse for the service by the Presidents of the Seventies in Farmington.
An account, written by Heber Clark, says that Brigham Young spoke at the funeral and said that Elder Clark was in the spirit world preaching the gospel and doing a good work. It is evident that Pres. Young did not speak at the services and there is no documentation to suggest that he ever spoke directly about the deceased missionary.
Newspaper accounts show that Pres. Young was in southern Utah for the entire period of time that Ezra James' body awaited final burial and rites in Farmington. Mary Stevenson said that Brigham did say that Ezra died "with his harness on." 27
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an image of these words: The "Deseret Evening News of Apr. 28, published the following: FARMINGTON:–We learn, through a letter from Elder Ed Stevenson, that the funeral services of Elder E. J. Clark took place on Sunday afternoon at Farmington. He says: "The Presidents of Seventies in Farmington, conveyed the body of the deceased to the meeting-house, at the three o'clock in the afternoon. Instructive and impressive addresses were given by Elders E. Stevenson, N. H. Felt N. T. Porter and Bishop Hess." He further adds: "It being nine months since the death of Bro. Ezra J., his body was in an advanced state of decay; but his person was recognized by his peculiar front teeth and garments. At Fonda we found a head-boards at his grave, and a respectable coffin, as we had learned was the case through previous correspondence with the authorities of Fonda, who have our sincere thanks for the favors and kindnesses extended to us. There was another person who died at the same time and place as Elder Clark, whose name is desred by the Sexton there, that it may be placed on the head-board and record book." (See also Des. News 18:151) |
Funeral services for Elder Ezra James Clark are noted in this brief note from the Deseret News.
27 Stevenson Family History, Vol. 1, page 276