Sat. Dec. 22,
Receive "news", and "clipper" Distributed tracts; had one, one special conversation on Gospel in the city. Mr Gisser has been here tonight to study English.
Sun. Dec. 23, 1894
Hold our usual meetings.
Mon. Dec. 24, 1894
Study Arabic most of the day distribute some tracts. Rec letter from mother and Bro Jo T Smith and a card from Bern, and a "news". Attend a childrens program at a church here.
Tuesday Dec. 25, 1894
Christmas ever away from home; we eat fig and raisin bread and nuts and oranges and hold a short meeting and read the bible; and I also study Arabic. I was up at 4 this morn. Am desirous of a place to board with an Arabic family. Hold a meeting this evening and considered Christ's sermon the Mt.
Wed Dec 26, 1894
Study Arabic: disposes of a number of tracts: have a conversation with a minister on the personality of God and of Christ, and the nature of the Gospel. (It is not something incomprehensible). In the evening we have a good meeting. Read the seventh (7th) chapter of Luke and explain it one with another. Received such a good letter from Apostle (Prest) Lund from Liverpool.
Thursday Dec. 27, 1894
Dispose of a number of tracts: study Arabic. Hold a conversation with the gentleman that I talked with yesterday. Gave Mr. Appizger a lesson in English. Study Arabic in the evening.
Friday Dec. 28, 1894
Study Arabic; deliver some tracts. Study German with Mater and Beck.
Sat Dec. 29, 1894 Study; distribute some tracts. Engaged a teacher in Arabic Mr with Mr. Gisser Arabic. Rec letter from Ezra C.R. In evening study with MR. Gisser. Made arrangements today to study Arabic. Distribute some tracts.