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MISSIONARIES (continued)

Kevin Kenneth KNIGHT (M5-l-4-2-l) served in Argentina Rosario, Surrnner 1977 to 1979
Steven Clark KNIGHT (M5-l-4-2-3) in Tokyo North
Brett FERGUSON (M5-8-4-5) was in the MTG at the time of his parents tragic accident (Wayne and Carol Young FERGUSON, dau. of Parley A. and Iris Clark Young) continued his preparations for his mission call to Spain Madrid Mission, and with the help of his brothers and sister, completed his mission last summer (1980) and is now attending BYU.


Michael AVERY (M5-7-l-l) graduated from USC in 1980.
Kayla Clark LADNER(M5-7-5) received her Masters in Special Education from Cal State, Fullerton, Calif.
Kevin Kenneth KNIGHT (M5-l-4-2-l) graduated Magna Cum Laud from the U.of Utah in June 1980 with two degrees, Chemistry and Spanish.
Karen Christine Knight EAGAN(M5-l-4-2-2) graduated from the U. of Utah Law School May 9, 1981 at age 22, one of the youngest to graduate from the U's Law School in recent years!
Christopher NELSON (M5-l-6-2) Graduated from the Univ. of Utah School of Architecture June, 1979.
Brandon Wyatt NELSON (M5-l-6-3) graduated from Weber State College in Political Science June, 1979, and is now attending the Univ. of Puget Sound Law School.


Judy Thayne FULLER (M5-2-3-3) is President of her RS. Her husband, Dr Edward N. Fuller is a research chemist for Phillips Petro. and recently gave a paper -- on gas chromotography-in New Jersey for which he received high praise.
Clark E. THAYNE(M5-2-3-l) last fall was given the position of Principal of Orlando High School in Orlando, Calif.
Two of Nancy Rich KNIGHT's (M5-l-4-2) sons, though young, have received fine awards. Steven Clark KNIGHT received a scholarship for the Outstanding Athlete upon graduating from Olympus High School in 1979. David Eric KNIGHT received an Honors Scholarship from Olympus High School to the University of Utah.
Nadine Clark AVERY (M5-7-l) received her Masters in Education from Cal State U. at Fullerton. Her husband, Neal, has just been appointed Supt. of Schools, Whittier, Calif.
Clark and Floyd YOUNG(M5-8-5 & 6)sold their station in 1978 after being in the gas and oil business for 25 yrs. Clark is now selling insurance and real estate and is the owner of a beautiful new reception center, The White House, which is located in south Jordan on Redwood Road near the new Jordan Temple. Floyd is also selling real estate and became a broker last December. He received recognition in February when he was admitted to the Realtors Million Dollar Club.
Iris Clark Young (M5-8) is doing extration work with her own microfilm reader (Thanks to the generosity of First Security Bank). She manages to go to the library occasionally with her daughter, Thelma GLOVER (M5-8-3) who is also doing extraction work. Before receiving this call, Iris was a temple worker in the Salt Lake Temple for 25 years. Iris' twin brother, Irvin (5-9) lives in Palm Springs, California. They are the only surviving children of Joseph Smith CLARK.
OF NOTE TO ALL OF US! The old Clark home in Farmington, Utah is being rebuilt by its present owners. They are attempting to restore it to its original state as much as possible.


Family Representative for family of first wife: O. Morrell CLARK, 109 N. Harrison Ave. Ogden, Ut 84404 (1-392-7181)

Family Representative for family of second wife: Mrs. Bernice GUNDRY, 1897 Mary Dott Way S.L.C., Ut. 84121 (272-4308)

NOTE: (M6-A = code for first wife; and M6-M = code for second wife.)


