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Bradley Jack TAYLOR (M6-Al3-l-l) to Kayleen, August 24, 1979
William Fred NEWTON (M6-A9-3-2) to Bonnie Jean JONKMAN ,Aug 12, 1978
Clay Robert NEWTON (Mc-A9-3-3) to Kathryn TURNER, March 16, 1979
Diane NEWTON (M6-A9-3-4)to Patrick Earl POWER, June 5, 1979
ok Lamont WILCOX (M6-All-l-2) to Heidi DEAN, August 2, 1979
Colleen CLARK (M6-A9-4-4) to Kenneth B. FULLER, March 7, 1980
Tamara Louise SMITH (M6-Ml-2-4) to David BADGER,April 17, 1980
Nanci HEPWORTH(M6-M5-l-2) to Gary VINCENT, May 18, 1980
James Lyndon CLARK (M6-A4-8-3) to Ellen Mary HENWOOD,May 31, 1980
Mark C. WILCOX (M6-All-5-l) to Annette DENSLEY, July 30, 1980
✓Tracy D. SMITH (M6-Ml-4-2) to Tamra Idelle HART, August 2, 1980
S. Randolph HEPWORTH(M6-M5-l-l) to Holly GELLBERT, September 9, 1980
Laura WILCOX (M6-A9-5-l) to Richard OWINGS, November 8, 1980
Ernest Edward ORTEGA(M6-M4-3-4) to Angie LANE, December, 1980
Marinda Lee ORTEGA(M6-M4-3-5) to Mike McCan, Jan 10, 1981
Wendi Alison HEPWORTH(M6-M5-l-4) to Brian Todd ERICKSEN, February 25, 1981
Dale Mark BENNION (M6-A2-10-3) to Laurie CHRISTENSEN, March 11, 1981
Brent C. WARDELL(M6-A4-4-2) to Nancy A. DRAKE, March 21, 1981
Colleen TAYLOR(M6-Al3-l-3) to Johnny MARLOW,June 26, 1981
Eileen WILCOX (M6-All-4-5) to Wells VANWAGONER,June 26, 1981
Clark Stephenson KENNEY(M6-A5-4-4) to Gaylene DEMETTER, 18 Apr 1980


Lynn F. HENDRICKSEN, Husband of Naomi BENNION (M6-A2-6) died March 29, 1981 at 70 years of age.


Clifford Jack NEWTON(M6-A9-3-5) serving as Mission Secretary in Italy Rome Mission.
Sterling BENNION (M6-A2-10-2) served in Manchester, England 1977-1979.
Dale Mark BENNION (M6-A2-10-3) served in Wisconsin October 1978-0ctober 1980.
Daniel Herald BENNION (M6-A2-10-4) served in England Leeds, 1981-1983.
Randy Lynn WILCOX (M6-All-l-4) served in Italy, Milan, April 1979-1981.
Raymond Lane WILCOX (M6-All-l-5) In Philipines, Cebu.
Rolf Jerold WALPOLE(M6-All-2-5) served in North Carolina, May 1977-1979.
W. Tane WANLASS(M6-Al2-2-l) in Michigan, Lansing.
W. Bryn WANLASS (M6-Al2-2-2) is waiting for his call.
Brent Lee GUNDRY(M6-Ml-l-6) is serving in Charleston, West Virginia Mission.
Owen Morrell CLARK (M6-Al2) and AlphaDietz CLARKto the Hamburg, German Mission.
Morrell and Alpha report that they labored in two areas on their mission. Flensburg, which is just two miles from the Danish Border, and the rest of the time in Brernerhaven. They continue: "There is little evidence of the war as the Germans have rebuilt and are prospering. That may explain why they seem to feel they do not need the Lord. Never-the-less, the work is progressing. Our work included much proselyting. Many hours were spent with inactive members or part member families as Branch President. The work is hard and the rewards are eternal. The Lord does bless those who love and serve Hirn. One of our greatest blessings came in the form of the way being opened up for us to travel through the mission with our daughter Nancy (M6-Al2-5), then traveling on to tour Israel. This was indeed a highlight in our lives."


David Clark STEWART(M6-A4-2-4) graduated from BYU in August 1980 with a BS in Business Management.

Dorothy NIELSON M6-A9-l) is graduating in June from the U of U with a BS in Education. She is the Stake RS President.

Nancy FUTRELL (M6-A9-l-l)(Dorothy NIELSON'S daughter) is graduating in June, 1981 from the U of U with her MD degree. She will intern at the U of U Hospital.

Dr. Scott G. Smith (M6-Ml-5-l) graduated from the Univ. of St. Louis Medical
