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Identification of Abbreviations Used in Entries

W1 to W7 refer to Wealthy Richards Clark's children and A1 to A5 refer to Alice Randall Clark's children in order of birth. One of these symbols is used at the beginning of each person listed.

An example for the numbering used is as follows: W6-2-1-3-1 (five generations).W6 = Wealthy's sixth child (Orson Richards Clark); W6-2-1 = Orson Richards Clark's second child (Naomi Clark Foster); W6-2-1-3 = Naomi Clark Foster's first child (Jolene Foster Emery); W6-2-1-3 = Jolene Foster Emery's third child (JaNae Lyn Emery Asper); W6-2-1-3-1 = JaNae Lyn Emery Asper's first child (Emily Ann Asper). No descendant goes beyond the fifth generation from Edward Barrett Clark as yet.

After the first number (with a 'W' or an 'A'), another letter within the numbering system such as 'V' and 'L,' refers to the wife's first name in a particular family where more than one wife gave birth to children. The number after the letter means the child number in order of birth. If more than one wife is listed and no letter is in the numbering system, it means that no children were born to later wives.

The information for each person has some abbreviations included. These may include: b. = birth; m. = marriage; dau/son = daughter/son); and bur. = buried. In some cases, NA = not available has been included, which means that this information was not or could not be obtained at the time.

City or town of residence has been given when available for many of the families and persons. Full addresses for many of the family members are in a separate file, but not included with this listing. Interested persons may contact a member of a specific family for an address or other desired information.