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School in Family Practice and is now doing his intern work at Orange, California where he resides with his wife Patti and their four children.
Tracy D. SMITH (M6-M1-5-2) graduated from the University of Long Beach in Business Administration in May 1981.
Debbie S. KEMP (M6-M1-3-2) will receive her Master's Degree in Special Education at Utah State University in June.
Susan S. PARAMORE (M6-M1-3-1) will soon receive her Master's Degree in Special Education at the Univ. of Utah.
Douglas Blaine SMITH (M6-M1-3-5) leaves May 18th for Advanced Electronic Training in the U. S. Navy.
Blanche C. WILCOX (M6-A11) sends her warmest greetings from Oakland, California where she now lives and does much temple work. Her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are growing and strong in the church, including at the present time, two bishops, Harlow (M6-A11-4) and Winn (M6-A11-7).
Thelma C. Teudt (M6-A7) also sends her warmest greetings. She and Blanche have had the pleasure of being temple workers together in Oakland. She set herself a goal of 2000 endowments in 1976 and reached the goal in 4 years and 4 months. For her health, she then had to move to Monterey, California.
Ralph L. WILCOX (M6-A11-6) daughter Tammy, played in the National Softball Championship Tournament in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Brigette, his wife, is Tolman School PTA Pres.
Jim and Charllynn(M6-A11-8) CLARK have set up a dental practice in Boise, Idaho. Jim graduated with honors from the Univ. of Pacific Dental School.
Howard D. STEWART (M6-A4-2-2) an orbital analyst and a member of the N O R A D team at Air Force Headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo. received the Meritorious Service Award in 1979 for his work in connection with "Skylab".
Gwenevere PASSEY (M6-A3-1) had her last grandchild right on her birthday, Feb. 21, 1981.
Michele DRANSFIELD'S (M6-A3-1-3) husband, Scott is working with adolescents at the University of Pennsylvania and presented a seminar on "Depression in Adolescents." He will also be on TV giving a presentation on this subject.
Dr. Richard O. CLARK (M6-A12-3) is the new Seminary Co-ordinator for Granite Dist. (S-Lk) the smallest geographical district in the church with the largest enrollment.
Another young athlete in our midst, W. Bryn WALNASS (M6-A12-2-2) won 2nd in the National Explorer Olympics in Fort Collins, Colo. and then took the champion ICAC for Ricks in Feb. 1981.
Claudia (M6-A12-2) and Jerry WILLIAMS just returned last summer from two years in Cairo, Egypt where Jerry was a visiting professor for the University from BYU in the College of Law setting up a department of International Law. While there, they continued negotiations with the Egyptian Gov't for the church to be recognized in Egypt.
Trav Doak JOHNSON (M6-M1-6-1) had to return from his mission last year because of Lupus disease is now for the first time able to be out of bed mostly because of his faith and determination.
Few Clark families have received as many academic degrees as the family of Ephraim and Edna CLARK ERICKSEN (M6-A5). Her three boys all secured their Ph.D's at the University of Chicago, their father's school. The oldest boy, Stanford Clark ERICKSEN(M6-A5-1) was awarded his degree in psychology in 1938. Besides carrying out research projects for the Airforce in World War II and in the Korean War, he has taught at the Universities of Arkansas, Vanderbilt, and Michigan State at Ann Arbor. At the latter two schools he served as chairman of the departments of psychology. The founder and long-time director of the Center for Research and Learning at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, he has received widespread recognition for his teaching, research, and publications in his chosen field. He and his wife, Jean, residing at Ann Arbor have four children. The oldest, Susanna (M6-A5-1-1) and her husband Timothy LEWIS living in New York City are freelance artists. They have two children. The next family member, Eugene P. ERICKSEN (M6-A5-1-2) and his wife Julia, both Ph.D's teach sociology at Temple University, Phila. Pa. Their family consists of three children. Stanford Clark ERICKSEN Jr.(Eric),(M6-A5-1-3) the next family member, with a master's degree in environmental education is employed by a community near Ann Arbor. The last family member, David (M6-A5-1-4) attends the Univer-
