the news although she has filled a life of usefulness. We ITDurn her loss, that one so great should leave us. We cannot help but mourn though we know her noble spirit has entered into the paradise of God, and she will take up her labors where no pangs of sorrow will be felt; but she has certainly endured her portion of sorrow in the flesh. She has triumphed over them all, and in preparing to live, she was prepared to die feeling that her work on earth was done. Father Clark went on the morning of the 14th to get her body as she died at her son's in Cassier County. They returned on the 16th with the oody all dressed and in good condition. Charley came on the 17th to attend the funeral on Sunday the 18th. She will be buried in Farmington.
August 26th. I became the mother of another nice little son. Mother was with me--has been for over three weeks which has been such a comfort to me. I shall always think of it with pleasure. Mother was called home on the 30th, and my sister Harriet came and stayed with me until September 23rd when I took both babes and took her to the mouth of the canyon to meet mother and Thomas. I drove back alone. My strength is returning fast and babe is doing well.
Babe was blessed when eight days old by his grandpa, E.T. Clark. The following is an extract.
"Our Father who art in heaven, we take this child in our arms and bless it and through the power of he priesthood vested in us, we seal upon it a name--even the name of Lawrence Walter and we ask thee, Father, that Thou will bless him with a life and health that he may grow up to be a useful, intelligent instrument in Thy hands in doing much good. He shall preach the gospel to the nations of the earth and warn them of the judgement that is about to come upon them and if necessary, he shall have administration of angels, and he shall even have the power over the elements, and we seal upon him the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant, and we ask thee Father that Thou will accept it in the heavens, Amen."
December 3rd. I shortened the baby of the 3rd. Amasa came home from his mission very much impaired in health. I have been to town, and ought a baby buggy and like it very much.
January 7th. I started to go to Sammaria--got to Ogden and found the trains blockaded so I went back to Farmington, and remained there until February 5th when I started again for Sammaria. Went to Collinston by train, stayed all night at the bridge, and went from there on the mail. Met Uncle Benjamin at Cherry Creek, and so we arrived in safety at 8 o' clock in the evening.
March. I gave a lesson in dress cutting and expect to teach a class here in the town.
April 2nd. We spooled and warped a piece of carpet--grandma and Aunt Eliza's. The bars were broken so we had a hard time. On the 3rd we got the piece in and started to weave