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Laura Clark Cook
called by Brigham Young at fathers request. Brigham Young wanted father to settle Montpelier, Idaho, and father had Wilford go up arid settle that town. They built a cheese factory up there and thats where we got the cheese and the butter which was brought down to Farmington to the store room over in Aunt Mary's house. My father had a lot of cattle up in Georgetown; Georgetown is just a little town next to Montpelier, Idaho, and thats where the factory was built. When my brothers would go up there every fall to bring these cattle down; they'd take a covered wagon with provisions, and mother would get food for them. They would go up to Georgetown to bring these cattle down. It would take them two or three days to come over that mileage. Then the cattle would be fed in Farmington.ยท In the spring they would take the cattle up to Georgetown.
Keith What did your father do to help bring other people to this land?
Laura My father started an immigration fund and paid so much money into that annuallaly. There was a group of men-I don't know all their names-who paid into this immigration fund, and that brought a good many people here to Zion. My father had a pair of oxen; one pair made 15 trips over the plains.
Keith When you were growing up, what was the school like that you went to?
Laura I went up to the school on farest east street in Farmington. Clara Sanders Rose was my school teacher, then later on was L.E.Abbot. I graduated from the eighth grade, I also went into this academy. It stood on Center Street. I started school at 8 years of age. It seemed to me that I should have started sooner, but I started the same time my brother Horace did; he was six and I was eight.
Keith How many classes were in this school?
Laura I don't know that. I can just remember, but after getting through this academy here, I went down to the LDS College in Salt Lake City. My brother Horace and I lived with Louise and Miverva Clark, the twins. We rented a part of a house on North Temple; there were 5 of us: Louise and Minerva, Clara Clark, Timothy's daughters, and my brother Horace and I. Every week we would go home and do a lot of cooking bread; there was no bakeries in those days, so we would bake pie and cake. We did a lot of baking on Saturday. We'd take our baskets of food back down with us Monday morning or Sunday