The following observations and tributes are not meant to be a biography nor a life history, although they may include biographical or historical data. These brief comments are meant to present informative material and personal remembrances and impressions still existing in the memories of her children, and a few tributes and comments pertinent to her life written by a friend or relatives. It is the hope of the writers that those who may read this brief conpilation, might know her better. We are so much a product of our ancestry that it is reassuring and encouraging to know that we are "born of goodly parents."
The observations, memories, and tributes were written individually, with the exception of the combination of Rhoda and Maurine's. This procedure has resulted in many duplications but this in itself is significant because it gives evidence of the deep impressions made by mother in these areas. Because these rememorations were based on recollections and lingering impressions, there may be some contradictions and certainly their greatest shortcoming is the brevity and the omissions.
One never knows the exact time he becomes converted or develops patriotism or establishes traits of character; in fact, there is no set time when the basic concepts "are" or "are not" a part of our lives, but we recognize many of the major forces that cause us to be what we are and the influence of our parents and grandparents, directly or indirectly is one of the greatest of these forces.
For what it can mean to her posterity, and to whomever may read this we humbly present the following: "That You Might Know Her Better."
- By Bryant Randall Clark -