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Elder John A. Clark Passed Away at Haifa, Turkey, on February 8th.

President Woodruff this afternoon received a cablegram from Elder A. H. Lund, president of the European mission, to the effect the Elder John A. Clark of Farmington, died of Haifa, Turkey, on the 8th of February, from small pox.

Elder Clark was the son of Ezra T. and Susan Legget Clark of Farmington. He was unmarried and was born February 28th, 1871. He was set apart in this city for the Turkish mission, February 21st, 1894, and departed therefore immediately afterwards. The deceased was an excellent young man, worthy of the high confidence placed in him and the news of his death while he was yet on the threshold of manhood will be received with universal sadness and regret. The sorrowful tidings were communicated to the young man's parents this evening.