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page 26

Laura Clark Cook

"Well mother you've been so used to the luxuries of what we had in New York, so now we'll have to get some heat put in this place," so they dug down from the kitchen window, down even with the street. They dug down with the shovel and carried the dirt across the street in a wheelbarrow to make room to build a heating plant. They dug up through the apartment underneath like a U up the side and across the top, and then down again. I'll never forget looking out the window and seeing these boys. I thought, "Now did I do the right thing to allow them start this, just being boys so young?" but the just preserved with it and got it finished.

That same year, after coming from New York, my daughter Maurine got married to Albert Higermyer. We had the wedding right in our apartment. A lovely wedding with a lot of friends. They moved away to California.

The next year, in September, Norma got married. That was 1931, and we had a nice wedding reception in this apartment again, with many friends and relatives. Norma married Raymond Chugg. We knew him well, we met him when we lived up at Harvard Avenue, before we went to New York.

LaRue married Leland Rowsell and moved to California in 19338. My son Joel got married in June 1938 to Arlene Aamodt. Joel and Arlene had a most beautiful wedding at 27 South in that big home with that big wall around it. There was dancing and it was a very elaborate affair. 

One day LeGrande came home from Sunday School and said that the Bishop had called him into his office and said that he was worthy enough to go on a mission. He told him to go home and ask his mother if he could go. When LeGrande told me this I said, "You go right back and tell the Bishop you can go anytime". Soon after that, it was in February, LeGrande was called: he went down to be interviewed by an authority of the church, and I was waiting home to hear where his mission would be. He called home to me, and said it would Brazil, South America. LeGrande had learned the German language in school, but when I heard he was going on this foreign mission, it put a little fear over me. I thought, "Oh! I won't ever let him know that I feel that way". It was a