by Heber D. Clark, May 26th, 1980
The year Father was born all the people in Utah were on food rations. His mother lacked enough food to properly nourish him. He did not have strength enough to sit up. He was carried about on a pillow. He was frail but grew tall. His father left for a mission to England and left in Parley P. Pratt’s company Sept. 10th, 1856. His Mother had three cows. She desired to make a donation to help build the Salt Lake Temple. Her little boys drove one of the best ones out of the yard. She said: “Send that one.” She wrote her husband of this. He replied that it was alright.
Johnston’s Army invaded Utah in 1857. All the missionaries were released. He found his family living in a wagon box at Payson. He returned with them to Farmington July 9, 1858. Ezra T. Clark visited Alma Porter right after the death of his beloved wife Minerva A. Deuel who died at Porterville Feb. 10th, 1873. He took my future Mother on his knee and told her he would send one of his sons to get her as his wife when she was grown, Aunt Nancy Porter living at the old Clark home said to Father: “Hyrum, you should go to Porterville and get one of those lovely Porter girls for your wife.
Uncle Joseph & Aunt Maria took Father in a light rig to get Mother. Uncle Myron cried as she was leaving. They stopped near Morgan and got the signature of the Stake President on Mother’s Temple Recommend. He said to Father: “Young man it seems to me that Brother Alma Porter needs a housekeeper worse than you need a wife.” Father replied: “Let him rustle one.”
Right after being married, Nov. 11th, 1880, they received their Patriarchal Blessings. Mother told me they were promised that their greatest joys would be in their children. In 1903 Mother took Claudie Lemmon to raise. He loved her dearly. I took him from a Temple session to see Mother when she was frail. He kissed her and called her “Mother”.
Mother passed away June 12, 1927. Father was released from his California Mission. Soon after this he took Aunt Mary to the Logan Temple where she was sealed to him.
Mary Bennion often said: We were known as the family that never quarreled.” Now I earnestly pray the Lord to abundantly bless Father’s big and lovely Family.
Sincerely your brother and constant friend,
(signed) Heber Don Carlos Clark