Beyrout, Syria
April 18, 1894
Dear Father;
Ere this reaches Farmington I presume you will have returned from a pleasant out to California. I am enjoying it and have enjoyed my trip too. Am very busy studying the language, Arabic at present. As soon as we, Elder Robinson and I, get a little knowledge of the language we will go to Palestine where we have been appointed to labor. Are now with Bro. Musser, the prest. Of the mission in Beyrout, Syria not very far from Palestine. I like the field, that we appointed to very much; am getting along nicely with the language and am enjoying myself in every respect. Elder Musser is about to return home as his mission is finished.
I will not write more as the mail soon goes and I wanted to post this as have not written before this week. Will be pleased to hear from you. Have not received any money from home as yet, but Annie stated that Jos. Would send me some. My health is good, trust all at home are well.
Your Son John
P.S. Rec'd mother's and Annie's Monday