I have referred to Alfred Randall as being large in stature, activity and faith. Although he led an active and colorful life in his building and mill operations, his greatness was best manifest in his faith; in his service and willingness to follow and serve the leadership of the church. He worked on the Nauvoo Temple, attending the first meeting. He was a close associate of the Prophet Joseph Smith. On one occasion he, with Charles C. Rich, Amassa Lyman and a Dr. King, accompanied the Prophet seventy-five miles to attend one of the many court trials the Prophet was called to stand.
On June 24, 1844, he accompanied the Prophet when he was taken to Carthage jail and was one of the last to leave him, being forced down the stairs backward at the point of a bayonet. It was at this time as he mingled with the mob that he heard threats against the Prophet's life. He heard a soldier tell Governor Ford: "The soldiers are determined to see Joe Smith dead before they leave here." Governor Ford replied harshly, "If you know of any such plot, keep it to yourself." (This information can be found in the Journal History in the Historians office in Salt Lake City.)
His support of the church leadership continued with his association with President Brigham Young. He was one of the one hundred forty-four men chosen in 1847 to come to the Salt Lake valley in the Heber C. Kimball company, but was detained a year because of a broken leg. Brother Kimball accepted his two wagons loaded with provisions and he accumulated another outfit, leaving the next year and he entered Salt lake valley September 24, 1848. At the request of the church officials, he made four trips east to bring immigrants and supplies.
On April 6, 1855, he was called on a mission (to the Indians it appears) in the White Mountains in Beaver Valley, where he baptized ten Indians. He filled a seconds mission to which he was called in 1856, and a third mission to the Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands) being set apart May 1, 1865.
He was for a time a Bishop presiding over and caring for the needs of part of the families whose husbands had gone with the Mormon Battalion.
One more colorful event: He accompanied Lot Smith as far north as the teton Peaks in Iadho, pursuing a band of thieving Indians.
I should like to mention at this point that much of the information pertaining to Alfred Randall, especially the dates and other technical information, came from the compilatoin about Alfred Randall written by his daughter, Lucy Randall Kofoed; and the same is the case in the brief resume of his wife Margaret.
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