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Chapter Five


By Walter Edward Clark

Part One: A direct and complete quotation of Chapter Three of "My Memoirs -- Recollections of Pioneer Life in Bear Lake Valley".

"In appraising a man's potential we are inclined to overlook the mother's side of the family, but in some cases it may be the dominant factor in determining character. Id o not remember ever seeing my grandfather Randall. History records he was forced out of the Carthage Jail at the point of a bayonet and heard the threats of the mob to slay Joseph Smith. The Journal History reports Alfred was selected to go from Winter Quarters to the Salt Lake Valley and 1847 under the direction of Heber C. Kimball, and had two wagons loaded, ready for the trip. At the last moment he had the misfortune of breaking a leg. Brother Kimball said, 'Well Alfred, since you cannot go, we can surely make good use of the wagons, provisions, and oxen...' His reply was, 'Take them Heber. I will earn more and meet you in the Valley next year.'

"I well remember my grandmother, Margaret Harley Randall. She and an older brother joined the Church. An elderly lady in Pennsylvania for whom Margaret and a sister worked left the girls $100. Margaret used her portion to get to Nauvoo where she worked for Alfred Randall and was often in the presence of the Prophet Joseph Smith. She and Alfred were married (she as the second wife) January 29, 1848, at Winter Quarters by Brigham Young. They arrived in Salt Lake Valley September 24, 1848.

"Alfred filled three missions, made several trips east to bring emigrants to the Salt Lake Valley, helped build houses, saw mills, and the Ogden woolen mill. Margaret was small, active, energetic, sociable, and a good cook. They lived in the Salt Lake 17th Ward and were in the historic "Move of 1858" going as far south as Provo. For short period she lived in "Over Jordan," Bountiful, and West Jordan. In 1862 Alfred bought her a home in Centerville.

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