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Service 1:

INTRODUCTICN At the close of my life's work I feel impressed to write a few words to my family and intimate friends. I feel that according to the laws of nature, which are the laws of God, I may be nearing the end of my earthly probation. I am pretty well satisfied with my life's work. I have been wonderfully blessed all the days of my life, and I feel that the Lord has been very good to me. I am proud and thankful for my heritage. I was born of goodly parents and have a splendid lot of good brothers and sisters. I am proud of them and they have been good to me. I love the memory of all of them. it has been a great privilege of mine to be associated with good men and women all my life. I can now see how I have been blessed threugh the righteousness of my parents, of their hospitality in caring for the needs of others. Many of the noblest men and women have been entertained by my parents in their open house. Presidents of the church, apostles and prophets and many noble women have eaten at my mother's table. Among them are Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. Young, Emaline B. Wells and many other good and inspired women to whom I have listened with interest bear their testimony of the divine mission of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, for they lived in his day and had a personal acquainte- ance with him. There is no doubt in my mind as to the truthfulness of their testimonies. Their spirit bears witness to my spirit that what they bore witness of is true. Perhaps the greatest testimony of all is that given of the Holy Ghost. The early aposties found it so, and it has given me the same assurance. I am now past 94 years of age. My health is good, I am happy and I enjoy my work in the Sait Lake Temple. Just how much longer I will be able to follow up the work, I do not know. My hearing is not as good as it once was and my eyes are somewhat bedimed, yet I enjoy life and while I live I want to do some good for the benefit of others. I appreciate the lives of many others

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Service: 2



At the close of my life's work I feel

impressed to write a few words to my family and

intimate friends. I feel that according to the

laws of nature, which are the laws of God, I may

be nearing the end of my earthly probation. I am

pretty well satisfied with my life􀃒s work. I have,

been wonderfully blessed all the days of my life,

and I feel that the Lord has been very good to me.

I am proud and thankful for my heritage. I was

born of goodly parents and have a splendid lot of

good brothers and si&ters. I am proud of them and

they have been good to me. I love the memory of •

all of them.

. It has been a great privilege of mine to be

ass·ocia ted with good men and women all my life.

I can now see how I have been blessed through the

righteousness; of my parents,, of their hospital, ity

in caring for the needs of others. Many of the

noblest men and women have been entertained by my

parents in their open house. Presidents of the

church, apostles and prophets and many noble won1en

have eaten at my mother's table. Among them are

Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. Young, Ema.line B. Wells, and

many other good and inspired w.-omen to whom I hav􀃓

listened with interest bear their testimony of the

divine mission of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, for

they lived in his day and had a personal acquaintance

w.ith him. There is no doubt in my mind as

to the truthfulness of their testimonies. Their

spirit bears witness- to my spirit that what they

bore witness of is true. Perhaps· the greatest

testimony of all is that given of th􀃔 Holy Ghost.

The early apostles found it so, and it has given

me the same ass, urance.

I am now past 94 years of age. My health is

good, I am happy and I enjoy my work in the Salt

Lake Temple. Just how much longer I will be able,

to :follow up the work, I do not know. My hearing

is not as good as it once was and my eyes are

somewhat bedimed 9 yet I enjoy li:fe and while I

live I 1·.rant to do some good for the benefit of

others. I appreciate the lives of many others








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Service: 3


At the close of my life's work I feel impressed to write a few words to my family and intimate friends. I feel that according to the laws of nature, which are the laws of God, I may be nearing the end of my earthly probation. I am pretty well satisfied with my life's work. I have been wonderfully blessed all the days of my life, and I feel that the Lord has been very good to me. I am proud and thankful for my heritage. I was born of goodly parents and have a splendid lot of good brothers and sisters. I am proud of them and they have been good to me. I love the memory of all of them.

It has been a great privilege of mine to be associated with good men and women all my life. I can now see how I have been blessed through the righteousness of my parents; of their hospitality in caring for the needs of others. Many of the noblest men and women have been entertained by my parents in their open house. Presidents of the church, apostles and prophets and many noble women have eaten at my mother's table. Among them are Eliza R. Snow, Zina D. Young, Emaline B. Wells and many other good and inspired women to whom I have listened with interest bear their testimony of the divine mission of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, for they lived in his day and had a personal acquaintance with him. There is no doubt in my mind as to the truthfulness of their testimonies. Their spirit bears witness to my spirit that what they bore witness of is true. Perhaps the greatest testimony of all is that given of the Holy Ghost. The early apostles found it so, and it has given me the same assurance.

I am now past 94 years of age. My health is good, I am happy and I enjoy my work in the Salt Lake Temple. Just how much longer I will be able to follow up the work, I do not know. My hearing is not as good as it once was and my eyes are somewhat bedimmed, yet I enjoy life and while I live I want to do some good for the benefit of others. I appreciate the lives of many others