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back and brought the body home for burial in the Farmington Cemetery.


As a youth I attended the M. I. A. In fact I attended the first meeting when the association was first organized in Farmington. It was held in the Old Rock Schoolhouse. Thomas J. Steed was made president, with a board of directors consisting in part of the following: Moroni Hess, Jos. S. Clark and Peter Christensen. Later as time went on, I held almost every office the M. I. A. had. I was secretary, editor of the paper, second counselor to Joseph E. Robinson and then I served several years as president, being elected by the young people. This was even before the Davis Stake was organized in 1877.

In glancing back over the early incidences of my life, it is really surprising to see the marvelous changes that have occurred during my life time. I remember as a youth of helping make wick candles from beef tallow rendered by the family. I remember crossing the road to get a start of fire from a neighbor. Matches were scarcely know, and my mother in order to save them, kept a supply of folded paper for lighting candles and fire.

I remember my father driving the little bay team in our small pole buggy from Morgan to Farmington. When he got out of the buggy, he looked at his watch and said, "By Ned, boy! That is the best team in the county. I have driven the thirty miles in three hours".

Father died in 1901, without ever riding in an automobile. I purchased my first automobile in 1917. It was a seven passenger Paige known as "The most beautiful car in America". It was a real luxury, but and expensive one. A tire cost $70.00 and was guaranteed for only 5,000 miles. My next car was a Willis Knight, purchased from Ross Richards for $1100.00. In 1938 I bought a Dodge Coupe, which I am now driving.