
new emigrants plus the returning missionaries who traveled with Ezra James.

News not published until September

The arrival of those emigrants and missionaries who were with Ezra James in his final days must have brought a final measure of certainty to the bad news, but it is ironic that news of his death was not formally announced to others through the Deseret News until Sept. 23, 1868.

Lucy Clark included a poem in the obituary at that time to try and put her brother-in-law's life and service into perspective for all.

Father, Mother, cease your weeping
Faithful Ezra is not dead,
Though his mortal body's sleeping
In a low and narrow bed!

He has gone to realms of glory;
Angels led him to that land;
He will meet with Christ, his Savior-
Walk with Jesus hand in hand.

Sister, Sister, let no sorrow
Find a place within your heart;
God will surely bring deliverance;
Trust-He'll do a Father's part.

Brothers, when you think of Ezra
Think how brave he fought and worked
How he will be crowned with glory.
Reign with Jesus on his throne.

Father, mother, sister, brother
Let us come before God's throne,
Be as faithful, true and upright
Until God shall call us home.

Lucy Clark

Written in Farmington, Aug. 23, 1868